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== Government and Religion ==
The kingdomHallandren is a theocracy ruled by the Pantheon of the [[God KingReturned]], ofheaded Hallandren and the Pantheon ofby the [[ReturnedGod King]]. The Hallandren '''Iridescent Tones''', which grew out of the [[Cult of the Returned]], findis the Returnedreligion andbehind feedthis themtheocracy, theand Breathsis theyresponsible needfor tothe live.worship Eachand care of the Hallandren Returned. inEach theReturned Pantheonis hasgiven specifica duties,palace such as maintainingin the city sewers or commanding part'''Court of theGods''' army.in TheT'Telir, Godand Kingserved canby nominallya makegroup anyof decisionattendants heand pleases,priests. butThe inpriests reality much oforganize the day-to-dayinteractions decisionsbetween arethe runReturned byand the priestscitizens, ofincluding the variousweekly gods.offering Theof building[[Breath]] wherethat the governmentReturned isrequire locatedto issurvive known asand the Hallandrendaily Courthearing of the Gods, in T'Telirpetitions.
As part of the government, each Returned is assigned specific administrative duties, such as maintaining the city sewers or commanding part of the army. The God King can nominally make any decision he pleases, but in reality much of the day-to-day government decisions are made by the priests of the various gods.
=== Military ===
