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A '''grandbow''' is an incredibly powerful bow created by attaching an [[Fabrial#Augmenter|augmenter fabrial]] to a large bow.{{book ref|sa1|12}}Invented by the [[Alethi]] on [[Roshar]], Theythey are sometimes called '''Shardbows''' because users typically must be enhanced by the strength of [[Shardplate]] in order to fully draw it fullythem.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
A '''grandbow''' is an incredibly powerful bow created by attaching an [[Fabrial#Augmenter|augmenter fabrial]] to a large bow.{{book ref|sa1|12}} They are sometimes called '''Shardbows''' because users typically must be enhanced by the strength of [[Shardplate]] in order to draw it fully.
== Appearance and Functionality ==
The bows are aboutconstructed asfrom tall as a man,steel and the arrows used withare a grandbow areabout as thicktall as threea fingers, and areman. quiteA long. Thesmall fabrialgemstone attached to the bow provides [[Stormlight]] and ensures that the metal does not warp under the stress of being drawn. The arrows used with a grandbow are as thick as three fingers, and are quite long.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
== History ==
Grandbows were designed by [[Alethi]] [[artifabrian]]s led by [[Navani Kholin]] during the [[War of Reckoning]].{{book ref|sa1|12}} They were often used during [[chasmfiend]] hunts to injure the creatures before the hunters moved in for the final kill. In {{rosharan date|1173}}, [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas]] used a grandbow to attack the chasmfiend that surprised the Alethi during a hunt, while Highprince [[Dalinar Kholin]] as well as [[Adolin]] and King [[Elhokar]] attacked it with their [[Shardblade]]s.{{book ref|sa1|13}} Some of the Alethi that had Plate but no Blade (including [[Rust Elthal]] and [[Serugiadis]]) sometimes practiced with grandbows as an alternative to a [[shardhammer]] or another melee weapon.{{book ref|sa3|64}}
[[RockMeridas Amaram]] wasused ablea tograndbow drawduring andhis firefight awith grandbow[[Kaladin]] at the [[Battle of Thaylen Field]]. Amaram lost the bow when Kaladin scared off his horse, and killit was retrieved by [[Meridas AmaramLunamor]]. Lunamor was able to draw the bow and kill Amaram, who had been joined with [[Yelig-nar]], with arrows through the head and chest.{{book ref|sa3|120}} He is the only known person to behave able to drawdrawn a Grandbowgrandbow without the aid of Shardplate, and it is not known how he did so. His daughter [[ShardplateCord]] referred to [[spren]] strengthening Lunamor's arm when he drew the [[Bow of Hours]] in the [[Horneater Peaks]],{{book ref|sa3.5|16}} but Lunamor declined to speak about the subject.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
[[Amaram]]'s grandbow was passed onto [[Cord]]. [[Cord]] used the grandbow to kill [[Leshwi]] before the assault on [[Hearthstone]].{{book ref|sa4|5}} During a [[Skybreaker]] attack at the Battle of Emul, Cord used [[Amaram]]'s [[Shardbow]] to shoot an arrow into [[Nale]]'s face. In a later sequence, [[Nale]] caught an arrow fired from just feet away. {{book ref|sa4|47}}
[[Amaram]]'s grandbow was passed onto [[Cord]], who was also a skilled archer. [[Cord]] used the grandbow to kill [[Leshwi]] before the assault on [[Hearthstone]].{{book ref|sa4|5}} During a [[Skybreaker]] attack at the Battle of [[Emul]], Cord used [[Amaram]]'sthe [[Shardbow]]bow to shoot an arrow directly into [[Nale]]'s face., Inbut ahe latereasily sequence,healed from the injury. [[Nale]] caughtwas also able to catch an arrow that Cord had fired from justmere feet away. {{book ref|sa4|47}}
== Notes ==
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[[Category: Weapons]]