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'''Fjorden''' is a theocratic nation state on [[Sel]].
''''Fjorden''' is a theocratic nation state on [[Sel]].
While the first Fjordell empire had expanded through military might, the second had expanded through the mass conversion of other nations, on both occasions only the nations of [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] resisted.
Strict and militaristic, Fjorden is the dominant country of the continent. About three hundred years ago. Wyrn Wulfden the First converted to the Derethi religion, and within a generation all of Fjorden had done likewise. Now, instead of sending troops across the continent, Fjorden sends priests. It is said that the conversions obtained—or forced—by these priests have granted Fjorden more power than even the First Empire once held. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
It was a fast-growing empire and, after the fall of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], the most powerful nation on Sel all governed by the head of the church [[Wyrn]].
=== Cities ===
Fjorden nation has many fortified cities. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
== History ==
The working class lived for centuries under the Fjordell feudal system, and they were treated worse than farm animals. They were raised to it. People in ancient
Fjorden didn’t know better—to them, the feudal system was the only system.{{book ref|Elantris|8}}
Over three hundred years ago, Fjorden nearly conquered all of Sycla/Opelon—only Arelon, with the help of Elantrian magic, stood against it. The Old Empire, or First Empire, fell because of administrative problems—it conquered more than it could hold. {{book ref|Elantris|Glossary}}
After the Elantrian fall, Fjorden started pushing the boundaries of its influence again, this time instigating the collapse of the Duladen Republic. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
After the fall of Duladen, Fjorden started expanding their by first attempting conversion into [[Shu-Dereth]] and submitting to Fjoden or by sending armies that would destroy every living being in the cities.{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
For the next three hundred years, ever since Fjorden adopted the Derethi religion, the Wyrns have been blatantly altering their country’s own histories and literature to make it seem as if the empire has always been a manifestation of divine purpose. As Fjorden became religious, they can’t have it sounding like their greatest historical king was a pagan, so the priests went through and rewrote all of the poems.{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
The Wyrns are more powerful now than they were centuries ago, even at the height of the Old Empire’s power. {{book ref|Elantris|5}}
Just before the restoration of [[Elantris]], they started on a quest to convert/conquer [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]]. First by sending Hrathen to Arelon with a small deadline to convert and submit them {{book ref|Elantris|3}}; then by sinking Iadon’s merchant fleets and supporting financially [[Trelii]] who would already be converted when he becomes the new King {{book ref|Elantris|15}}. And in Teod, by pushing King Eventeo to convert under the threat of invasion, removing their ambassadors {{book ref|Elantris|18}} and finally with the threat of killing Sarene.
During the restoration of Elantris, the Fjordell were casted out of Areleon {{book ref|Elantris|62}} and latter of Teod. {{book ref|Elantris|63}}
== Government ==
The second Fjordell empire was governed by a militaristic theocracy, the national religion of [[Shu-Dereth]] commanded its followers to adhere to a rigid chain of command with with the leader of both the church and empire (who was believed to commune directly with their god, Jaddeth) at its head.
This allowed each person in the empire to serve their god, although only the emperor Wryn could do so directly.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
=== Government ===
The second Fjordell empire was governed by a militaristic theocracy, the national religion of [[Shu-Dereth]] commanded its followers to adhere to a rigid chain of command with with the leader of both the church and empire (who was believed to commune directly with their god, Jaddeth) at its head.
This allowed each person in the empire to serve their god, although only the emperor Wryn could do so directly.{{book ref|Elantris|12}}
=== Military ===
For Fjorden, Religion and war are almost the same thing. {{book ref|Elantris|20}} Where Fjorden rules, Shu-Dereth teaches. {{book ref|Elantris|21}}
The military serves Wryn and will crush entire civilizations for it. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
The Derethi priests were trained in the infamous monasteries of Fjorden, where they were required to undergo vigorous physical training. They become warrier monks {{book ref|Elantris|31}}{{book ref|Elantris|50}}
The prayers and incantations used to create Dakhor monks were secret; even the gyorns didn’t know them. A few months after a boy was initiated into the Dakhor order, his bones started to grow and twist, adopting strange patterns. Somehow, each of those patterns gave its bearer abilities, such as heightened speed and strength. {{book ref|Elantris|58}}
=== Religion ===
| The pagan nations of Arelon and Teod have been blackened scars upon my land for long enough.
| Words of Jaddeth, Lord of all Creation, through his servant Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, Emperor of Fjorden, Prophet of Shu-Dereth, Ruler of Jaddeth’s Holy Kingdom, and Regent of all Creation. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
The Fjordell God is [[Jaddeth]], and he rules through His servant Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth, Emperor and King. They believe that with all mankind united under Wyrn’s rule, Jaddeth could rise from His throne beneath the earth and reign in glorious majesty. {{book ref|Elantris|3}}
It was a basic tenet of Shu-Dereth that only one man could serve Jaddeth directly; the religion was very regimented, and its structure was reminiscent of the feudal government that had once ruled in Fjorden. One served those above him, who served those above him, and so on until it reached Wyrn, who served Jaddeth. Everyone served Jaddeth’s empire, but only one man was holy enough to serve God Himself. {{book ref|Elantris|8}}
== Magic ==
These symbols grant the Dhakor priests various powers, most of them battle related.
== SkazeTrivia ==
It is known that beings called [[skaze]], similar to the [[seon]]s although more malevolent in nature, have an interest in Fjordell and may directly influence Fjordell politics.{{qa ref|590|45|Why did Wyrn want Elantris?|date=Jan 10th, 2011}}
== Notes ==