Diferencia entre revisiones de «Fantasma»

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=== Kelsier's Crew ===
During his time on [[Kelsier's crew]], Spook iswas mainly involved as a sentry withof importantkey watches,locations; watching the area around Clubs' shop from a six-story tenement two streets over.{{book ref|mb1|32}} He participatesparticipated in the crew's planning sessions, but rarely contributescontributed to them other than serving drinks or getting things.{{book ref|mb1|32}}
After the crew thought [[Marsh]] had been captured by the Ministry, they sent Spook with the [[House Renoux]] canal procession that left Luthadel, as he was their best Tineye.{{book ref|mb1|33}} The [[Steel Inquisitor]]s, however, had just tracked [[Vin]] to her Valette Renoux alias, and attacked the caravan to try to find her. When they didn't find her in the convoy, the brought Spook, [[OreSeur]], and the Renoux servants back to Luthadel, ostensibly to be executed, bybut actually as a trap for [[Kelsier]].{{wob ref|2437}} Kelsier fell right into the trap and attacked the prision cart guards as they passed by. With help from [[Hammond]], some skaa rebels, and the rest of the crew, he managed to rescue Spook and the rest of the prisoners, before being killed by the [[Lord Ruler]].{{book ref|mb1|33}}{{book ref|mb1|34}} After that, during the [[Collapse]], [[Dockson]] sent him to fetch some of Clubs' apprentices to run messages.{{book ref|mb1|35}}
=== Siege of Luthadel ===
During the [[Siege of Luthadel]] he was rarely given any important tasks. When [[Tindwyl]] caught him with nothing to do, she enlisted him to serve as a "packman" for [[Vin]] and [[Allrianne]]'s dress-shopping trip; he also occasionally worked as a coachman or honor guard to [[Elend]] or went on a spying mission.{{book ref|mb2|35}} As the stiationsituation grew desperate, however, and the crew planned to send Vin and Elend out of the city to survive the [[Battle of Luthadel]], they enlisted Spook to be their guide. Spook agreed, and lead them away to the Terris mountains, where [[Sazed]] said they would find the [[Well of Ascension]]. Vin and Elend eventually realize that they have been tricked, and Vin raced ahead to Luthadel in time to save the city.{{book ref|mb2|51}} Spook returned with Elend a few days later, and used his tin to enhance his eyes and inform Elend that his flag still flew from the city gates, indicating that it has not been conquered.{{book ref|mb2|57}}
=== Urteau ===
Elend and Vin sent him to Urteau to gather as much information as he could about the Citizen and his government there.{{book ref|mb3|14}}
He was a very good at sneaking into the Citizen’s house, where he went not only to listen to important information of the city, and confirming the [[Quellion]]’s (the Citizen) ideology and concerns on Elend as a tyrant; but to watch his sister [[Beldre]]. Spook liked her for her beauty and her sadness.{{book ref|mb3|14}} He becomes so sensitive to light that he has to wear a blindfold; however, his other sharpened senses are able to make up for the inconvenience.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
During this time, and due to the excess use of his powers, he became so sensitive to light that he had to wear a blindfold; however his other sharpened senses were able to make up for the inconvenience.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
He scouted the city and understood the mood of the people. He was horrified with the killings of not only nobles but their descendants and all other inhuman practices in the City. Spook hired a thief lord [[Durn]] who helped him get some news from the City, he took him to the execution of 10 skaa with noble blood but asked him to count the skulls.
During the speech after the execution, Spook got infuriated and when he got close to [[Beldre]] he spoke to her, first asking if she agreed with the executions, later letting her know he was the man who would kill his brother. He was so into the conversation he failed to notice he was exposed and [[Quellion]]´s men went after him. He understood they were Allomancers when they used their power and he lost the fight.{{book ref|mb3|16}}
During the fight, Spook was stabbed with a sword that also pierced a [[pewter]]arm. The tip of the sword became a [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spike and granted him the ability to burn [[pewter]]. The spike also gave Ruin access to Spook and got into his's mind using [[Kelsier]]´s voice. So when he wakeswoke up from the lost fight inside the burning building and hearsheard Kelsier asking him to move on, find vials and burn pewter,. heHe obeys, thus finding his new ability (which he doesn’t recognize as Hemalurgy) and thus trusting the voice in his head convinced it was the real Kelsier.{{book ref|mb3|16}}{{book ref|mb3|26}}
Spook receivesreceived [[Breeze]], [[Allrianne]] and [[Sazed]] into the city and helpshelped them hide providing them with information. He showsshowed them the cave where the Lord Ruler’s cache was and suggested it as their base.{{book ref|mb3|29}} He tried to talk to Sazed about Kelsier’s voice but with Sazed doubting his beliefs, Spook didn’t fully confide and just trusted they were being protected by the Survivor.{{book ref|mb3|31}}
Ever since his unexpected survival from the flames, Spook had heard people gossiping of him and that he was part of Kelsier’s crew and that Durn was behind it. He eventually decided to confront him and found that Durn had been plotting against Quellion and had used the event to make him look bad. He decides to trust him and asks him to find Breeze. On his way out, a man approaches him and asked to save his seven-year-old sister from the Citizen. Spook realizes he is now in a better position to make a difference and decides to help.{{book ref|mb3|35}} He asked in return for ten men to help him dig the skulls from the fire where the Citizen had burned the prisoners days before. He found only nine skulls and understood Quellion was taking the Allomancers.{{book ref|mb3|38}}