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'''Spook''' is a skaa Misting on [[Scadrial]] in the [[Final Empire]] and works in [[Kelsier's crew]]. His original name is '''Jedal''', after his father,{{qa ref|727|67|Jedal. After his father|date=2008-10-17}} but goes by '''Lestibournes''' before [[Kelsier]] gives him his nickname of Spook. The name Lestibournes is a reference to the Eastern street slang phrase, 'lefting I'm born', which means 'I've been abandoned'.{{book ref|mb3|23}} He is a [[Tin]]eye, and is [[Clubs]]' nephew.{{book ref|mb1|6}} He is fifteen during the [[Collapse]].{{book ref|mb2|part=ars}} He mentions to [[Beldre]] that in his family it had been his grandfather who had had noble blood. Although it is not mentioned explicitly it is likely that it was his grandfather on his mothers side, as [[Clubs]] was also an [[Allomancer]]. He also mentions that he never knew his grandfather, having grown up on the streets.{{book ref|mb3|53}}
== The Skaa rebellion ==
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