Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esquirla»

76 bytes añadidos ,  hace 12 años
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(Added Devotion as a known Shard.)
Nine Shards have thus far been mentioned in the novels, either referenced by their Shard’s name or its holder.
Those known by intent are [[Ruin]], [[Preservation]], [[Honor]], [[Odium]], [[Cultivation]], [[Endowment]], [[Devotion]], and [[Dominion]].
In addition, [[Bavadin]] arehas been confirmed to hold (or have held) Shardsa Shard, though theirhis Shards’ intentsintent areis currently unknown.
== Introduction ==
|Even now, I can barely grasp the scope of all this. The events surrounding the end of the world seem even larger than the Final Empire and the people within it.<br><br>
| [[Warbreaker]]<ref name='B&N_Sel'>[[Brandonology#Barnes and Nobles|Barnes and Noble Q&A]], Q: what is the name of the planet that Elantris is on?</ref>
|- align="center"
| [[Devotion]]<ref name='Devotion'>https://twitter.com/#!/PeterAhlstrom/status/176764934020022273</ref>
| ''[[Aona's Shard|Unknown]]''
| [[Aona]]<ref name='TWoK_e22'/>
| [[Sel]]<ref name='TWoK_e22'/>
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