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Undo revision 150892 by Niser Resin (talk) This is not what the wob says
(Undo revision 150892 by Niser Resin (talk) This is not what the wob says)
Etiqueta: Deshacer
Shards can use their power to create complex '''constructs''', capable of continuing their function past the Shard's death. Examples of such constructs are the snapping mists of [[Preservation]],{{wob ref|4445}} and the vision journal of [[Honor]].{{book ref|sa1|75}} Shards can also create sapient beings from their power -- this is most commonly seen on [[Roshar]], with its overabundance of [[spren]]. Many of them, like the [[Stormfather]], [[Nightwatcher]], and [[honorspren]] were created by local Shards.{{book ref|sa3|108}}{{book ref|sa3|114}}
Shards can also create '''avatars''', personas that can act independently of them.{{wob ref|13220}} Avatars can be of any gender, race, and species, regardless of the original Vessel creating them, and can be formed at a considerable distance from the main body of the Shard, with many different avatars able to exist on a single [[Shardworld]].{{wob ref|3974}}{{wob ref|9385}}{{wob ref|3974}} Though a Shard can create them directly, avatars can also form without a conscious decision on the Shard's part, though the Shard is still aware of what is happening.{{wob ref|13220}} When created directly, however, they can be instilled with specific traits.{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}} Some avatars are self-aware, while others are not, although the parent Shard will always be aware. Though some would call these avatars Splinters, it is not clear whether they truly fit the definition.{{wob ref|13323}}{{wob ref|13339}} Splinters are not part of the Shard while avatars are.{{wob ref|14744}}
Avatars are, in a way, considered to be Shards in their own right.{{wob ref|8606}} Known ones include [[Patji (being)|Patji]] and the [[Sand Lord]], both of [[Autonomy]].{{wob ref|8902}}{{wob ref|5876}} It is difficult but possible for someone to become a Vessel of an avatar.{{wob ref|13323}}
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