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It is not clear who the original Vessels were, but they all originally were from [[Yolen]]. Together, the sixteen of them killed [[Adonalsium]] and divided the power between themselves, becoming the first to Ascend.{{msh ref|3|2}} Over time, the Vessels begin referring to themselves as their Shard's name (though they do remember their original selves{{qa ref|700|5}}). They eventually scattered throughout the cosmere, taking residence on several different [[Shardworld|worlds]] and influencing events on their given planet. Ruin and Preservation made a pact to create life on Scadrial,{{epigraph ref|mb3|53}} and constructed humans in the form which they have seen before{{book ref|mb3|76}}--presumably on the planet where Adonalsium and these Vessels came from. Judging from humanity on other Shardworlds, the Shards on those worlds probably created humanity there, too. However, the worlds existed before the Shards arrived there{{qa ref|700|3}} so there is a case to be made that humans already have been present before the Shards’ arrival in some cases. It is known that some shards may have helped transplant humanity to other worlds as well.{{book ref|sa3}}
Often, a Vessel's original name is mentioned in some form on their world. Atium is named after Ati, lerasium after Leras, and those condensed essences of their Shards' power. AonDor is derived from Aona, a Vessel on Sel.{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}
It appears that the bond between human and Shard is permanent. The only evidence of Shards changing hands after the original Vessels are when a Shard dies. When that dies, the person's original body rematerializes and falls to the ground as a corpse.{{epigraph ref|mb3|56}}
[[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] were drawn together because they were such perfect opposites{{qa ref|691|9}} (though not all Shards have pairs like those ones do{{qa ref|691|9}}). Direct confrontation between their two powers was excruciatingly painful, and they eventually destroyed each other and the power of both shards was taken up by Sazed, forming the new shard 'Harmony'. It is not clear whether if any two Shards collided, they would both die, or if this was simply an effect of [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]] having such opposite intents.
It is implied that not all Shards are equal (though they started at an equal level{{17s ref|post|42116}}). Rayse is said to hold the most dangerous of the sixteen, [[Odium]].{{epigraph ref|sa1|19}}{{book ref|TWoK|46}} It is unknown what makes [[Odium]] inherently so dangerous, whether it is due to the intent, or because [[Odium]] actually has more power than other Shards.
[[Odium]] was powerful enough to travel to Sel, kill Aona and Skai, and Splinter their power:
There was significant debate whether Odium could see into the future. People agreed that Odium is more proficient than Ruin at the very least, because having hatred for something would mean that Odium would stop at nothing to exact his goals, even if he had to wait an extremely long period of time. However, Odium is probably not as good as Cultivation or Preservation in this regard, but this still means Odium is much more dangerous than Ruin.
=== Shardic Number ===
Some Shards appear to have a number that they associate with. [[Preservation]] appears to associate with the number 16, Honor with the number 10, and Odium with 9. Most of the Shards do not have a number{{wob ref|date 2015-01-16|678|Firefight Portland singing}} but it has been hinted that there is a significance to the aforementioned examples.{{wob ref|date 2017-11-18|8381|Oathbringer Houston signing}}
== See Also ==