Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esquirla»

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The act of becoming a Vessel is called '''Ascension''', and causes the Vessel's body to vaporize, allowing their mind to expand.{{wob ref|6072}} From then on, the Vessel and the Shard are intertwined; the Vessel gets to set some general course of how the Shard's power is defined, and feeds off the Shard's power to remain alive, but the Shard's power is the driving force between the two. Over centuries, the Vessel's mind begins to change to fit the Shard's intent more perfectly.{{wob ref|7965}}{{wob ref|5485}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|18}} If the Vessel were to give up the Shard, the Shard's influence on their mind would fade over time.{{wob ref|3009}}
A Shard can be killed by Splintering it, breaking its power down further into smaller pieces, called [[splinter]]s; the easiest way to achieve that is by killing the mind.{{msh ref|3|2}} The actual death of a Vessel, however, can take up to hundreds of years.{{wob ref|8144}} If the Shard is taken up before the Vessel dies completely, splintering can be prevented;{{msh ref|3|2}} if not, the power will become wild and dangerous.{{au ref|Selish}} A Shard without a Vessel will eventually gain sentience.{{wob ref|5816}} When a Vessel dies, the person's original body rematerializes and falls to the ground as a corpse.,{{epigraph ref|mb3|56}} Ithowever, it does not age rapidly, since Shardic immortality is different from other methods like atium compounding.{{wob ref|3870}}
It is possible for a Vessel to be separated from their Shard without dying or Splintering the Shard they held.{{wob ref|120}}{{wob ref|6587}} If this happens, then after the Vessel's death, it is able to resist the pull into the [[Beyond]].{{msh ref|6|8}}
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