Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esquirla»

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! colspan=5 class=title |Shards of Adonalsium
{{row|Shard|Holder|[[Shardworld|World]]|Books|pre={{#!:!widht=25%|}}|pre5={{#!:!width=1%|}}| }}
{{/row|Ruin |Ati |Scadrial |mb|c2=(laterMistborn [[Sazed]])|{{qa ref|727|19}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|c2=(later [[Sazed]])}}
{{/row|Preservation |Leras |Scadrial |mb|c2=(laterMistborn [[Sazed]])|{{qa ref|727|19}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|c2=(later [[Sazed]])}}
{{/row|Endowment | |Nalthis |wbWarbreaker |{{qa ref|428|59}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|Devotion |Aona |Sel |eElantris |{{qa ref|715|9}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|Dominion |Skai |Sel |eElantris |{{qa ref|763|2}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|Honor |Tanavast |Roshar |saStormlight |{{qa ref|698|1}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|Odium |Rayse |Braize |saStormlight |{{qa ref|700|7}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|Cultivation | |Roshar |saStormlight |{{qa ref|692|21}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
{{/row|<!-- -->| Bavadin|Taldain |White Sand |{{qa ref|727|19}}{{qa ref|428|106}}|}}
It is likely that this is a complete list of all the Shards for the published [[Shardworld]]s. Some worlds have more Shards than others.{{qa ref|428|59}}
Some worlds have more Shards than others.{{qa ref|428|59}}
Ruin and Preservation are the only Shards on [[Scadrial]] at the moment.{{qa ref|727|19}} By the time of the Hero of Ages spoiler thread (before the Way of Kings release), Brandon mentioned that there were four Shards other than Ruin and Preservation that have been seen: