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(I changed a fact about Trell in the introduction to say that it is another name for a known shard, as that as been confirmed in a WOB.)
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There are sixteen Shards{{epigraph ref|TWoK|11}}, and they are the most powerful known entities in the [[cosmere]]. They are related to many, if not all, magic systems, and for practical purposes, they are gods. All Shards started at an equal power level.{{wob ref|1081}}
Ten Shards have thus far been mentioned in the novels, and an additional one by Brandon. They are either referenced by their respective Shards' names or their Vessels' names. Those known by intent are [[Ambition]], [[Autonomy]], [[Cultivation]], [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]], [[Endowment]], [[Honor]], [[Odium]], [[Preservation]], and [[Ruin]]. An eleventh Shard which has been partially revealed just "wants to survive." It is unclear what the intent of this Shard is, as it could be Survival but also could be many other things. [[Trell]] has been confirmed to be an alternate name for a known Shard.{{wob ref|6261 |Shadows of Self release party |date=Oct. 5, 2015}} It is an unknown being of great power worshiped by [[Miles Hundredlives]] and is served by the Set. Ruin and Preservation have been combined to form the new shard of [[Harmony]], so Ruin and Preservation no longer exist as separate entities.
== Introduction ==
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