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Shards can perceive the future, although it can be difficult for them. Some are better at it than others, with [[Cultivation]] and [[Preservation]] in particular being noted as particularly excelling.{{book ref|sa1|75}}{{wob ref|5309}} Like all seers, Shards utilize [[Fortune]] to see ahead; and, like all seers, they can be wrong about both what they see and how they interpret it, although as a general rule they see further than non-Shards.{{book ref|sa3|122}} Shardic power can also be utilized by others to perceive the future as they do: examples of this are [[atium]], as well as the visions of the [[Returned]].{{wob ref|4645}}
Both [[Preservation]] and [[Honor]] describe seeing the future as not one set path, but a tangled web of linked possibilities, as well as the circumstances necessary to bring them about, with some being more likely than others.{{cn}} As a result, predicting the future is not a straight forward process, and is not equally useful to all seers.
A Shard's intent may be tied to its proficiency with futuresight. Preservation, as a Shard dedicated to keeping things existing, and Cultivation, a Shard dedicated to growing something in a desired form, would hold a natural interest in predicting what the future will hold which may make them more proficient with this ability. By contrast, a Shard like Ruin, which is interested only in destroying things, and Honor, about holding to one's oaths, would not have "seeing ahead" as part of their nature.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
