Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ranette»

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1 byte añadido ,  hace 5 años
m (Wayne doesn't use use guns)
Ranette sends Wax new equipment for testing purposes. The equipment package contains a tether, the first version of a grappling hook invention, she wants him to experiment with while jumping with [[Allomancy]]. {{book ref|sos|7}}
Wax sends Ranette a note via an errand boy asking her to make him a special bullet to take down a [[kandra]] named [[Bleeder]]. Within hours Ranette arrives to GovenorGovernor [[Replar Innate]]'s mansion to deliver the special bullet she made out of Wax's [[Pathian]] earring. She hands the bullet over to Wayne who later gives it to Wax. Ranette talks about the current situation of things with Wayne and seems very worried about the people gathering outside which makes Wayne go check things out and Ranette leaves. {{book ref|sos|19}}
=== Wayne's gift ===


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