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'''Gemmel''' is a [[Allomancy|Mistborn]] from [[Luthadel]]. Hewho trains [[Kelsier]] in the [[Allomantic]] arts.{{book ref|11m}}
Gemmel is scrawny, and has a ragged gray beard and unkempt hair. Like most Mistborn he wears a [[mistcloak]] on nightly escapades.{{book ref|11m}}
The aging man isn't completely sane, mutters to himself, and sometimes seems more beast than man. He thinks that Kelsier's forced smiles look creepy, and often stops talking in the middle of an argument. According to Kelsier Gemmel doesn't understand humor, nor likes it when his pupil tries to take control.{{book ref|11m}}
== History ==
== Relationships ==
=== Kelsier ===
Gemmel is [[Kelsier]]'s mentor in the Allomantic arts. His training primarily focuses on the Pushing and Pulling metals, [[steel]] and [[iron]] respectively, but he also helps Kelsier to think like an Allomancer, for example by pressing him to have all eight basic metals burning constantly. He frequently places his pupil in life or death scenarios, like pushing him off a city wall. Although he often grumbles at Kelsier, Gemmel likes him more than his previous three apprentices, sometimes even showing some sign of respect for him.{{book ref|mb1|5}}{{book ref|mb1|8}}{{book ref|11m}}
=== Ruin ===
== Trivia ==
