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==== The War Changes ====
The battle against the Parshendi was the first time Dalinar lost the [[Thrill]] in his memory.{{book ref|sa1|26}} This loss of the Thrill during battle caused Dalinar to question why he was fighting this war, and whether alternative methods of settling the Alethi dispute with the Parshendi would yield better results. The highprincesHighprinces saw Dalinar's wish for a more peaceful resolution as a further sign of weakness, rather than wisdom, so he kept these questions to himself.
Dalinar was deeply frustrated by the war at the Shattered Plains, as the highprincesHighprinces' priorities have changed from seeking vengeance on the Parshendi to competing for [[gemheart|gemhearts]] in order to gain wealth for themselves. Dalinar believed the war on the Parshendi had become nothing but a game to the highprincesHighprinces and strives to unite them. He wanted to be the [[Highprince of War]] to realizerealise this.{{book ref|sa1|18}} Despite his ambivalent feelings about staying at the Shattered Plains, Dalinar was devoted to Elhokar and the nation of Alethkar above all. Though Dalinar rarely went on hunts, in {{date/sa|year=1173}} he decided to accompany Elhokar and Sadeas. Elhokar managed to tease Dalinar into a footrace, and for his nephew's sake, Dalinar let him win.
Adolin wondered at this, and Dalinar explained that it was important to lift up Elhokar and support him in even the small ways. Even the little victories would help Elhokar feel more like a king and raising his confidence and reputation would actually make him a better king. Adolin was impressed at this logic, but was quickly appalled when Dalinar then confided his wish for the Alethi to be back in Alethkar. Adolin was shocked and upset at this suggestion, even when Dalinar shared his concern about the state of affairs back in their home since they've been away at war for so long. Adolin was already worried about his father's sanity,{{book ref|sa1|24}} but when Dalinar began to make important decisions based on the visions – like wanting to leave the Shattered Plains – Adolin questioned the wisdom in trusting dreams, especially blasphemous ones. Dalinar maintained that the visions were real and grew further determined to unite the Alethi highprinces.
A chasmfiend surprised them on top of the plateau, and Dalinar saved Elhokar from being killed by it. It wawas a reminder of Dalinar's strength to their armies, but it doesn't last. After the battle, Elhokar showed Dalinar a cut strap on his saddle and asked him to look into it. Elhokar suspected the work of assassins but Dalinar believed Elhokar to be overly paranoid; he agreed to investigate to allay Elhokar's fears. He took Adolin to check on the cut strap but the results were inconclusive. Dalinar told Elhokar that it was unclear and he was overreacting, but Elhokar staunchly believed that someone was trying to kill him.
Dalinar still didn't know what Gavilar meant by his last words, telling him to find the most important words that a man can say.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
==== Dalinar Reaches Out ====


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