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(→‎Chapter 104: Strength: added summary)
;Plot Summary
:''Six years ago''
Dalinar attends Gavilar's funeral in the royal catacombs of Kholinar. He is pained by the sight of his brother's body lying dead on a slab. [[Jevena]], a wizened ardent, preaches about how Gavilar was a good ruler who will fight on in the Tranquiline Halls and that everyone else should be inspired by his example and follow their Callings. Dalinar thinks on how he has been making progress in controlling his drinking, but then thinks about how it was his fault for getting too drunk at the feast to protect Gavilar. He asks Jevena what will happen after the Tranquiline Halls are retaken, hoping for peace and rest, but she instead comfortingly tells him that he will get another fight. The [[ketek]]s are read, and Dalinar realizes that one of the keteksthem is Navani's. He spots her with her arm around Elhokar and trying to comfort Jasnah, who stalks off into the palace. A Soulcaster comes and turns Gavilar's body into stone, and Dalinar forces himself to watch. The ardents put the statue into an alcove like the other monarchs. Elhokar swears vengeance on the Parshendi, vowingasks tothe gohighprinces to war with themjoin in revengehis forvow. Gavilar'sSadeas death, andis the highprinces,first starting with Sadeas,to pledge their support. Dalinar thinksheads it'sback goodinto thatthe Gavilarpalace; wasAdolin ablecatches to do somethingup to hold the kingdom togetherhim, even in death, but wants to spend some time by himself currentlyconcerned. HeDalinar tells Adolin to pledge support for their house and runs into the palace. DalinarHe fumbles with his keys, trying to enter his chambers to get some drinkwine. He hears a feminine voice speaking, and is attracted by the words. He follows the sound and finds Jasnah reading from ''The Way of Kings''. Dalinar asks her to read to him, and theyshe spendreads severalthe hoursentire goingtext throughover the textnext several hours. When they are done, they cry a bit and embrace before going their separate ways. Dalinar talks to Adolin, apologizing for being a poor father to him and Renarin, then tells him that he will travel to the Shattered Plains by water. He plans to cause a delay, during which he can follow Evi's advice to seek the Old Magic, and ask a favor of the [[Nightwatcher]].
{{anchor|Chapter 106}}
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