Diferencia entre revisiones de «Marsh»

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Like his brother, [[Kelsier]], Marsh hated injustice. As a result, he led the [[skaa rebellion]] for many years. However, the two brothers did not get along. While Marsh was busy trying to overthrow the [[Lord Ruler]], Kelsier led a band of thieves - and was wildly successful at it.{{book ref|mb1|20}} Though she would come to marry Kelsier, Marsh had also loved [[Mare]], which only further increased the division between the brothers.{{annotation ref|mb1|chapter=7}} When Mare and Kelsier failed during a heist of [[Kredik Shaw]], they were sent to the [[Pits of Hathsin]], ultimately costing Mare her life.{{book ref|mb1|17}} It was the final nail in the coffin for Marsh. He gave up the rebellion, unable to deal with the deaths of those he cared about, considering the whole endeavor dangerous and futile.{{annotation ref|mb1|chapter=7}}
When Kelsier Snapped, becoming [[Allomancy#Mistborn|Mistborn]], and escaped the Pits, he returned to his old thieving crew with plans help the current Rebellion, under the leadership of [[Yeden]].{{book ref|mb1|4}} His new plot to overthrow the Lord Ruler only served to get under Marsh's skin yet again, and he doubted the veracity of Kelsier's intentions, thinking it was still all just a game to him. But despite it all, the brothers still loved one another and Marsh eventually agreed to help infiltrate the [[Steel Ministry]], hoping his abilities as a Seeker would smooth his way in. Marsh continued to feel like he had been a failure compared to his brother and was determined to finally make a difference.{{book ref|mb1|7}}
Placing himself within a batch of new Ministry recruits flowing into [[Luthadel]], he was accepted into their ranks. He quickly began to reveal important Ministry secrets to the rebellion using secret messages and drop sites. One such secret was the soothing stations, positioned by the [[Lord Ruler]] across Luthadel to inspire depression and docility in the skaa population.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
