Diferencia entre revisiones de «Exton L. Pratt»

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|books=[[The Rithmatist]]
'''Exton''' wasis a clerk employed by [[Armedius Academy]].{{book ref|Rithmatist|2}}
He was a [[Rithmatist|Rithmatic student]] thatat Armedius, but was expelled from the academy 30 years before{{book ref|Rithmatist|21}} 30 years before, because he could not control his [[chalkling]]s.{{book ref|Rithmatist|22}}
He was a suspect in the investigation into the [[Scribbler]] and was arrested by [[Harding|Inspector Harding]].{{cite}}
He helped Joel escape from the [[Scribbler]]'s [[Chalkling#Wild Chalklings|wild chalkling]] attack.{{cite}}
== Notes ==


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