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In {{Rosharan date|1173}}, [[Tvlakv]] released Kaladin and the other slaves from the wagon and brought them to be inspected by [[Hashal]], the wife of the [[Matal|lighteyed officer]] who was in charge of the slaves in [[Highprince]] [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]'s army. Hashal was not particularly impressed with the men Tvlakv presented until her eyes found Kaladin. Despite eight months as a slave, he was still far more muscled than the others. Hashal inquired if he was a military man and Kaladin stated that he was in [[Amaram]]’s army and a citizen of second nahn. She inspected his brands, clicking her tongue at the "shash" glyph, telling him such a mark meant death. Asking how he ended up here, Kaladin told Hashal that he killed someone while drunk. Despite his mistake, Kaladin spoke of his talents with a spear and asked her give him a chance to fight again in her brightlord’s army. However, Tvlakv told Hashal not to listen to him as he was a deserter. Enraged, Kaladin reached for Tvlakv but he was knocked to the ground and then pulled back in line. Tvlakv continued by saying that Kaladin could not be trusted as he had led rebellions against his prior masters and who knows how many of the slaves he had corrupted. Hashal asked which ones and assigned those, along with Kaladin, to be bridgemen. Due to his “shash” glyph, his reputation as a deserter, and his attitude during the exchange, Kaladin was specifically sent to [[Bridge Four]], the bridge crew with the worst reputation and casualty rate.{{book ref|sa1|6}}
Kaladin was placed under the command of the bridge sergeant [[Gaz]] and was immediately forced to go on a bridge run completely unprepared and unequipped. [[Bridge Four]] was sent to carry a large bridge, allowing [[Sadeas]]’s soldiers to cross the plateaus of the [[Shattered Plains]] and assault the [[Parshendi]]. Gaz ran beside Bridge Four, calling out commands during the run due to the their most recent bridgeleader tossing himself down the [[Honor Chasm]]. He sent Kaladin to the open slot at the tail of the bridge. Without a vest, the wooden supports dug into Kaladin’s skin causing his shoulders to bleed. As they ran, a nearby bridgeman offered Kaladin advice. Eventually, Gaz called them to a stop and they lifted the bridge into place, allowing the army to pass. They repeated this process, with Kaladin eventually asking why they weren’t turning around. One of the other bridgemen just chuckled and told him they weren’t there yet and to be glad they weren’t. After more than a dozen times, Gaz ordered Kaladin to the front for the final push, declaring that newcomers get to go first. Kaladin quickly realized why arriving was the worst part. The Parshendi volleys launched, killing the men around Kaladin. They eventually got the bridge dropped, but at the expense of the bridgemen, resulting in many casualties. Kaladin just collapsed, knowing he should move or at least bind his wounds, but he just couldn’t, falling unconscious instead. Kaladin was about to be left for dead by the retreating bridge crews, until [[Syl]] called out his name and urged him to move. He forced himself to his feet and asked the windspren if she had a name. As he limped through the casualties, he found the body of the leathery faced man who had been nice to him. He harvested his vest and shoes, tying them on as the windspren introduced herself as Sylphrena.{{book ref|sa1|6}}
====Becoming bridgeleader====


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