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== Prerequisites ==
In order to access the Dor through the Dakhor magic system, a few things have to occur. For now, it appears that the practitioners of Dakhor have to be Fjordell, since we've never seen one of another race. However, we've never been told it's impossible, so this could be wrong. The next requirement is something intrinsic to the way [[Investiture]]s are related to the Shards that power them. Assuming that Dominion is actually the Shard behind Dakhor, in order to gain access to the magic you must perform some act that follows the intent,{{qawob ref|622|107|The 'role' of the Shard has to do with the WAY the magic is obtained, not what it can do|date=Aug 31st, 20114032}} presumably by Dominating someone or something. This may be in the form of killing someone, another thing we've seen used to grant different powers with the Dakhor system.{{book ref|Elantris|62}} The amount of Investiture in the people killed is far more important than the number of people killed.{{wob ref|1742}} The last potential prerequisite shown so far is the use of chanting. It seems extremely likely that the chants that are used may determine how the person is changed, and what type of bone growths form.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}
== Effects and Abilites ==
