Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cantor»

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285 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
Added section on their gemheart
(Added section on their gemheart)
== Genders ==
The singers have four distinct genders, two that are recognised as similar to human male and female, and two neutered variants malen and femalen.{{wob ref|6621}} The majority of the [[#Forms|Forms]] are populated by the neutered genders, and their members are often asexual.{{wob ref|3400}}{{wob ref|3388}}
== Gemheart ==
Singers, like many Rosharan fauna, have [[gemheart]]s. Theirs are clouded white, and are fused to their sternum.{{wob ref|9353}} Like other animals with gemhearts, singers also bond with spren, with a bonded spren residing in the singer's gemheart.{{book ref|sa3|i|6}}
== Forms ==


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