Diferencia entre revisiones de «Navani Kholin»

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The unification of Roshar did not go as they expected. Only Taravangian from Kharbranth answered back with support. Navani was the main political voice talking to each leader. {{book ref|sa3|24}}
When Dalinar found out that he could bring people into his visions, Navani, along with Jasnah were the first ones to go in. They arrived at the Aharietiam., Thethe Last Desolation. In the beginning Navani was mostly wondering of the place, how real it looked and even bullied a radiant to show him his fabrial. Later however, when they started to see more about that day, she started asking about the Parshmen and later the Honorblades. The Stormfather finally confided in them the truth about that day and how the Heralds decided not to go back and stop the Desolations, at least for a time. {{book ref|sa3|38}} In future visits, she was decided to find the [[Feverstone Keep]] and what happened at the [[Recreance]].
Navani led also the research of Urithiru itself and found the patters on the gemstones, which opened the code for understanding recorded phrases of the last Radiants who lived at Urithiru. {{book ref|sa3|53}}
Eventually, after playing different cardsstrategies like setting leaders/key people into visions, {{book ref|sa3|53}} writhing essays, , {{book ref|sa3|65}} or helping Queen Fen with the wounded and reconstructions; {{book ref|sa3|59}} Dalinar and Navani were able to get several of the Kings in Roshar to agree on meeting and fighting together. Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, Dalinar was fragile with the return of most of his memories and the fall of Kholinar. Navani had to deal with them with some help from Taravangian. {{book ref|sa3|86}}
On the day of the first meeting of monarchs at Urithiru, Navani made each person—no matter how important—carry their own chair. The old Alethi tradition symbolized each chief bringing important wisdom to a gathering. She was able keep her mind clear enough from her worries of Elhokar to analyze the other Kings, their companions and the Highprinces. Ialai Sadeas notably ignored the chair request.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
She welcomed everyone and started with an inspirational speech of making history and uniting for a cause. The meeting however went out of control very fast as each kingdom started making requests on territory, trade and, half-shards, and war. Navani was able to get them to agree by listening what each Kingdom wanted and giving eachthem tasks andthat whatwere theyin wantedline with that. She complimented the Azish´s laws and were given the task to create codes of how our kingdoms are to interact, and how we’re to share resources. Thaylen was givenasked to oversee trade and supplies. The Alethi would help the Emuli at securing the remaining territory, but not more. Then, thethey moved to decideguessing where they would theybe strikeattaked next, they decided it would be Jah Keved and support from other kingdom came. Navani had done it.{{book ref|sa3|96}}
By the time Dalinar was well enough to join a meeting, he figured out the target would be Thaylen and not Jah Keved. This meeting however, was abruptly ended by Taravangian’s treason, who leaked several of Dalinar’s secrets in a targeted way which caused distrust. They were not able to hold them together and the coalition broketogether. {{book ref|sa3|111}}
=== Battle of Thaylen Field and aftermath ===
