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Mraize has jet black hair and light violet eyes. His face and hands are both covered in scars, including one which crosses his cheek vertically and deforms his upper lip. He is almost always sharply dressed in fine suits, wearing white the first time [[Shallan Davar]] meets him. He wears a golden signet ring on his middle finger with the three-diamond symbol of the Ghostbloods.
Mraize has a refined air which seems to conflict with his scarred appearance. He usually speaks quietly and calmly, with an accent Shallan cannot recognize. Despite his cultured manner, he is not always serious, growing warm and friendly when Shallan has impressed him. Something about him reminds Shallan of [[Hoid]] when she first sees him, though she quickly denies any resemblance when he turns toward her.{{book ref|sa2|43}}
He seems to be a hunter, possessing trophies from several notable animals in Roshar on display in his hideout, including a [[whitespine]] tusk, a [[Santhid]] skull and [[gemheart]]s from [[greatshell]]s. He also speaks with disdain of [[Tyn]]'s supposed fear of meeting with him, stating that the apparent cowardice shows she is acting like "prey", and refers to Amaram as his current prey. {{book ref|sa2|43}}
Despite his occasional likeable air, he has no problem with killing, or even letting his allies attempt to kill someone he is interested in, as he gives the other Ghostbloods permission to attempt to assassinate Shallan before she becomes a full member. He mentions he likes to learn the local weapons of cultures he wants to understand. He makes use of a blowgun with poisoned darts which is apparently a [[Parshendi]] hunting weapon.{{book ref|sa2|54}} He also speaks of torturing Shallan for information as "fun."{{book ref|sa2|43}}
=== The Shattered Plains ===
Mraize, as leader of the Ghostbloods, seems to report to Master Thaidakar.{{book ref|sa2|54}} He confirms to be behind the assassination attempt of Jasnah Kholin that took place on her ship sailing toward the shattered planes. He had sent a hunter, [[Tyn]] to execute the task. When he sends a spanreed to her, Shallan, who had killed her, intercepts it and decides to go meet him herself looking as Veil. When they meet, Shallan keeps the pretense of Tyn being alive and manages to get Mraize to trust her with a task. She is to break into [[Amaram]]'s manor and find the secrets he keeps and report them back. Shallan agrees and manages to escape without being followed.{{book ref|sa2|43}}
After that, he also confirmed to have surveilled the site to supervise the task. He was pleased when he saw Veil again and believing they had not tried to do the task, she delivered maps and some texts from Amaram. He was also amazed with her drawing skills and deduced she had killed Tyn. Mraize offered her the opportunity to be part of the organization, but was explicit to say she was not in yet, and that killing people within the organization was not encouraged at all. On her way out, she decided not to take the coach and hid, she later found that they had killed her coachman as consequence of a failed attempt on her life.{{book ref|sa2|54}}
During the [[Battle of Narak]], Mraize found out Shallan's true identity. He confronted her days later in [[Urithiru]], stating his belief that she is "herself" when she is Veil. He explained that he had her brothers in custody and would deliver them as reward for her services, but he wanted continue working with her. He revealed deep knowledge on the Davar's family and confirmed they owe him a [[Soulcaster]].{{book ref|sa2|88}}
Shortly after, he found a position at the inner circle of [[Ialai Sadeas]] to keep a close eye on her--as she had interests of her own, without allegiances to other human or [[listener]]. Though his whereabouts and end goals are not fully known, he does request two tasks of Shallan: first, to secure Urithiru and to hunt the source of darkness and expunge it.{{book ref|sa3|22}}. Mraize promised information on [[Helaran]] in exchange for the first task,{{book ref|sa3|22}} and later complied. He let her know he was a [[skybreaker]] who probably went to kill Amaram on their behalf.{{book ref|sa3|39}}.
On the day of Shallan's wedding, he sendt her brothers to her with a note, stating that they were her wedding's gift and her reward for the task was to lower her family's debt owed from the destruction of the Soulcaster. That note also explained Shallan's second task: to find the Unmade who seems willing to break from [[Odium]] and persuade her to join the Ghostbloods.{{book ref|sa3|122}}.
He also plotted a trap for Herald [[Shalash]] by attracting her with the masterpiece of the [[Oilsworn]]. When she came to destroy it, he let her know the location of [[Talenel]].{{book ref|sa3|i|8}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
Mraize is a worldhopper. He doesn´'t seem to have magical abilities. His power resides on his knowledge and possessions. Among his possesions he has a green chicken which is known to be an [[Aviar (WoB)]]. {{cite}} He also has white sand that turns dark and a stick with weird scripts. He is also believed to have Tears of Edgli.{{cite}} Much of these possesions and knowledge were gained outside of Roshar.{{cite}}
Much of these possesions and knowledge were gained outside of Roshar.
His knowledge gives him the capacity to blackmail, persuade and manipulate which is what makes him, as leader of the Ghostbloods so dangerous.{{disputed|not *the* leader?}}
== Notable Relationships ==
| Morality is as ephemeral as the changing weather.
| Mraize to Shallan on not trusting the Sadeas couple{{book ref|sa3|22}}
== Trivia ==
* He owns a white tree branch-like thing that comes from [[Yolen]]. It is stored at his treasure room. {{wob ref|5331}}
== Notes ==
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