Diferencia entre revisiones de «Siah aimiano»

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4 bytes añadidos ,  hace 6 años
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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Siah Aimians''', who are characterized by deep blue nails and eyes, have been known to sculpt their bodies to temporarily suppress their senses (e.g. to avoid smelling foul odors), produce tattoo-like markings on their skin, or heal from injuries. They also cast shadows in the wrong direction. Aside from being immortal, both Aimian[[Aimia]]n races have the ability to magically modify their bodies, but to different extents.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
The only known Siah Aimian is [[Axies]] the Collector.
== Notes ==
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Editors, Keepers


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