Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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These visions are disturbing to watch from the outside, and he speaks other languages for their duration. At first, Dalinar and his household thought he was speaking gibberish,{{book ref|sa1|52}} but [[Navani Kholin|Navani]] recognizes what he speaks as the [[Dawnchant]]. That is a language Dalinar was never taught, and thus couldn't be speaking unless the visions were real.
At the [[Battle of Narak]], the [[Stormfather]] told Dalinar he would receive no more visions,. {{book ref|sa2|89}} butThough it is uncertain whethernow that he is still true since Dalinar [[Nahel bond|bonded]] to the Stormfather, he can replay past visions at will during Highstorms. He can even bring in other people to share the vision with him, as long as they are inside a Highstorm at the time.
=== [[Surgebinding]] ===


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