Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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331 bytes añadidos ,  hace 6 años
→‎Uniting Roshar: added events from chapter 12
(→‎Uniting Roshar: added events from chapter 12)
He marries Navani through oaths sworn to the Stormfather, thus further angering the ardentia. {{book ref|sa3|4}}
After the [[Everstorm]] has raged over Roshar, he contacts different monarchs and leaders (like the [[Gawx|Emperor]] of [[Azir]], The [[Fen|Queen]] of [[Thaylenah]] and [[Taravangian|King Taravangian]] of [[Kharbranth]] and [[Jah Keved]]) to form a coalition against the [[voidbringers]], without much success.{{book ref|sa3|12}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==


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