Diferencia entre revisiones de «Verdades de los Bennet»

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No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 6 años
The second reference to the Bennet was ascribed to Chapter 82 of Well of Ascension; that reference is erroneous as there's no such chapter. I changed the reference to Chapter 82 of Hero of Ages, which is the correct source.
m (The second reference to the Bennet was ascribed to Chapter 82 of Well of Ascension; that reference is erroneous as there's no such chapter. I changed the reference to Chapter 82 of Hero of Ages, which is the correct source.)
The Bennet were a high developed people that lived on the Southern Islands and were seafarers and made very good maps, some of which were still used in the Final Empire.
With his ascension Sazed drew upon his increased knowledge about how the world had been before the Lord Ruler changed it and with this knowledge he was able to restore the landscape. {{book ref|mb2mb3|82}}
== Notes ==


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