Diferencia entre revisiones de «Teven Renoux»

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(added description for Renoux/OreSeur)
Lord '''Teven Renoux'''{{book ref|mb1|8}} is a [[noble]] from the [[Final Empire]].
He is replaced by the [[Kandra]] [[OreSeur]] at [[Kelsier]]'s orders.{{book ref|mb1|6}} OreseurOreSeur appears as thin and aging but dignified, with a sparse gray mustache, wearing a rich suit and aristocratic spectacles, and not requiring a cane.{{book ref|mb1|8}}
He is a prominent noble from the [[Farmost Dominance]], but sets himself up in [[Fellise]] under the guise of elevating his families status. He plans to construct a prominent trade route for weapons made in the south to be sold in the north.
