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The King's Boon is granted to a [[Lighteyes]] who has preformed an impressive feat before the King of [[Alethkar]]. This is occasionally done after a very impressive duel. The limit of what can be granted is unknown however it has been used in recent history to force a political opponent into a duel to the death.
== Known Uses ==
* [[Torol Sadeas]] used it to force a [[Highprince]] that opposed [[Gavilar Kholin]] to a dual to the death allowing them to replace that [[Highprince]] with one that was willing to be cooperative.{{cite}}
* [[Adolin Kholin]] attempted to use the king's boon to force [[Torol Sadeas]] into a duel however [[Torol Sadeas]] escaped while the [[Elhokar Kholin|King Elhokar]] had [[Kaladin]] arrested.{{cite}}
* [[Kaladin]] After coming to [[Adolin Kholin|Adolin's]] rescue asked for a duel with [[Amaram]], because [[Kaladin]] was a darkeyes the king had him arrested for slander.{{cite}}
== History ==
40 275


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