Diferencia entre revisiones de «Dalinar Kholin»

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125 bytes añadidos ,  hace 6 años
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m (it needs lots of updates -exempalry)
'''Dalinar Kholin''' (<small>Alethi pronunciation:</small> [[Wikipedia:Help:IPA|[ˈda·lɪn·ar koˈlɪn]]] [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia: Pronunciation_respelling_key|'''''<small>DAL</small>'''-in-ar ko-'''<small>LIN</small>''''']]){{url ref |url=https://youtu.be/CMFx9hFkDzs?t=1m12s|text=Brandon saying "Dalinar" at a reading|site=YouTube|date=2018-11-25}} is an Alethi [[highprince]] of [[Alethkar]]. He is known as the Blackthorn for his military prowess and is the [[Highprince of War]]. He is the younger brother of the late King [[Gavilar]], uncle of King [[Elhokar Kholin]] and [[Jasnah Kholin]], and courting Brightness [[Navani Kholin]], Gavilar's widow. He has two sons [[Adolin Kholin]] and [[Renarin Kholin]]. He is a member of the [[Order of Bondsmiths]] and is the de facto leader of the reformed [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa2|89}}
== Appearance and Personality ==


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