Diferencia entre revisiones de «Turinad Sebarial»

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|Sebarial to [[Shallan Davar]]{{book ref|wor|40}}
'''Highprince Turinad{{book ref|sa3|104}} Sebarial''' is a [[highprince]] of [[Alethkar]] on [[Roshar]].
His princedom lies in southern Alethkar{{map ref|Alethkar}} and his warcamp at the [[Shattered Plains]] is the southernmost, approximately an hour from Dalinar's via carriage.{{book ref|wor|55}} He was maneuvered into hosting [[Shallan Davar]] once she arrived on the Shattered Plains.{{book ref|wor|38}} [[Palona]], his Herdazian mistress, calls him "Turi." And also sometimes "the idiot.".{{book ref|wor|40}}
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