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2640 bytes añadidos ,  hace 13 años
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(About 8 hours, Beligaronia :P)
'''Chaos''', also known as Eric, is the Lord Ruler of the Forums. He's a math geek who will randomly teach you calculus whether you want to learn it or not, with an unnatural obsessions with unicorns and Pokemon. He runs the forums, with the fellow moderators as nothing more than his cadre of Inquisitors, existing only to enforce his will (when he's looking). It's true. He pounded steel spikes through our eyes and everything.
The staff are awesome... and very modest.
'''firstRainbowRose''' is obviously a fantasy character, as her name, Mi'ch, has the required superfluous apostrophe. She runs the PR for this site, but her most important duty is keeping the rest of us in line. Seeing as how I'm typing this post, you can guess how well she's doing her job. She and Rubix are engaged <3
'''Rubix''', also known as Josh, is The Boss. No, wait, that's Springsteen. Josh is The Czar. Or maybe The Tsar. Whatever he is, Josh is in charge of the entire site and everyone in it. When you agreed to the terms and conditions, you signed your soul over to him. He doesn't speak much, but this is because one word from his lips will wreak destruction upon everything around him. He is also engaged to a fantasy character, firstRainbowRose.
'''Ryan''', also known as Ryan (there are subtle differences in spelling and pronunciation) is the Code Monkey. He works for Tab and Mountain Dew, with an occasional bonus of Fritos. When the code doesn't bend itself to his will, he will threaten it with a knife to the eye. That's why we don't have Session Verification Errors anymore.
'''KChan''' is the newest member of the staff, and has yet to go through the degrading hazing ritual. She's a cosplayer - so don't get to close - with legions of fanboys at her beck and call. She also co-runs the [[Mistborn RPG]], in which she has more characters than Eric has personality. She can use fist, guns, and rhetoric to flay the skin from your bones. Serious. Her friends are terrified of her.
'''Kar''' isn't really a member of the staff, or even existent. He's an [[Inquisitor]] on a treadmill, powering the forums with his powerful pewter-enhanced powerwalking. He also wields the mighty BanAxe, with which he will sever your head from your body. Or maybe just you from the forums. Either works.
'''Shivertongue''' is Will, also know as me, the person typing this post. He is always right and never lies, so you can trust him with anything. He has amazing hair and a deep, manly voice that will make you swoon. He does the graphics for the site, as well as handles all merchandising. When there is stuff to actually merchandise, he will use his compelling voice and charm to make you buy everything. Even the 17th Shard underwear.
==External links==
[http://www.17thshard.com/ 17th Shard Homepage]
