Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 6 años
Shallan and Jushu are in Balat's room helping him prepare to leave. They talk about the valuable deposits of stone recently found on their land, and how they find it strange to be wealthy all of a sudden. Despite the family's wealth, their father's mood has continued to grown darker.
Shallan unfolds and reads a letter. Their contacts haven't been able to find Helaran, who seems to have disappeared. Balat is jumpy, worried that their father will discover that he intends to leave. His plan is to escape with Eylita, and if he can't find Helaran, they'll go to [[Valam|Highprince Valam]] and [[Redin]], who years ago told them he'd listen to anyone willing to testify against their father. Jushu is scepticleskeptical, saying that their father is in favor now, and that the highprince is nearly dead.
Wikim slams the door open, telling them that Eylita is in the feast hall, that their father had summoned her. Balat and Wikim rush to find out to find out whats happening. Shallan follows slowly, overwhelmed with panic, but she feels pulled forward. Somehow she knows that this has been coming, that it was inevitable. She collects the pouch of [[blackbane]] that Wikim had given her years ago, and heads downstairs.
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