Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:El Pozo de la Ascensión (libro)»

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'''Point of View: Elend
Elends works on keeping the city residents from freezing, and on discovering who poisoned the city water supply. A skaa named [[Larn (Scadrian)|Larn]] tells Elend that he saw an Inquisitor in Luthadel. Hammond shows up, and Elend tells him that Cett is staying in Luthadel to continue to oppose Straff.
Elend and Hammond use [[Hilde|a passwall]] that Hammond has been using for years to discretely exit Luthadel. Elend proceeds on his own, finding a koloss patrol to lead him to [[Jastes]]. Elend and Jastes argue and Jastes threatens to take Elend hostage until Elend reveals that he has been deposed. Elend asks Jastes to take the koloss away before they attack Luthadel in a frenzy, but Jastes says that he is in control of them. Elend stabs Jastes, then uses him as a hostage to escape the human camp. Elend attacks a small koloss and kills it and takes its sword and its pouches, which turn out to contain currency.
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