Diferencia entre revisiones de «Moash»

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→‎History: phrasing/tense
m (→‎History: phrasing/tense)
== History ==
Moash joinsjoined the war assuming he would be made a spearman but endsended up in Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa1|46}} When Bridge Four startsstarted training down in the chasms, Moash iswas one of the first who changed into a fighting man.{{book ref|sa1|49}} Later, on the bridgerun where [[Dunny]] diesdied, Moash probably saved Kaladin's life by keeping him from reaching Dunny's body and later told Kaladin that he was wrong about him.{{book ref|sa1|53}}
Moash's grandparents, the only family he ever knowknew, died in a dungeon in [[Kholinar]] in what is called by [[Dalinar Kholin]] the [[Roshone#Kholinar_and_the_Roshone_Affair|Roshone Affair]] by [[Dalinar Kholin]]. Moash blames [[Elhokar Kholin]], the king of Alethkar, for their death.{{book ref|sa2|44}}
When [[Adolin]] tries to give [[Kaladin]] the gift of [[Shardblade]] and [[Shardplate]], Kaladin instead gives it to Moash, instantly making him a lighteyes in rank{{book ref|sa2|68}}, and his eyes do start to lighten{{book ref|sa2|68}}, though he doesn't consider himself one.
