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'''Hraggen''' is a nation under the dominion of the Fjordell Empire on the continent of Opelon during the [[Late Era]].{{file ref|Sycla-Opelon Map.jpg|Map of Sycla}}{{glossary ref|Elantris|H}} The Hraggish has been under [[Fjorden]]'s control for a long period of time, possibly because they were just to the southeast of Fjorden. Hraggen is a relatively small nation, adjacent to [[Jaador]], [[Hrovell]], and [[Geant]].{{file ref|Sycla-Opelon Map.jpg|Map of Sycla}} Many of their words are in Fjordish, so it's likely that their ethnicity is Fjordell.
and [[Geant]].{{file ref|Sycla-Opelon Map.jpg|Map of Sycla}} Many of their words are in Fjordish, so it's likely that their ethnicity is Fjordell.
One city in Hraggen is [[Gmordsom]], perhaps its capital.{{file ref|Sycla-Opelon Map.jpg|Map of Sycla}}