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Forgery involves the use of [[Investiture]] present in the [[Dor]] accessed through a medium of a [[soulstamp]]. The seal on the soulstamp acts as the [[focus]] through the specific symbols carved upon it.{{qa ref|977|16}} Like other [[Sel]]ish magic systems, Forgery uses a series of symbols that represent linguistic concepts applied with a variety of modifiers to encode the [[intent]] of a given action into the focus directly. Though the Selish magics are often considered to use the concept of 'form' as their focus, it is more correct to think of these symbols as being a type of programming language using symbolic representation.{{qa ref|1019|5}}{{qa ref|948|5}} A Forger must detail their intent with the correct pattern and arrangement of symbols and modifiers. The Dor is accessed through a connection to [[MaiPon]], and each Soulstamp carries an impression of MaiPon on the reverse.{{tes ref|30}}{{qa ref|949|7}}
Forgery utilizes a relatively small amount of Investiture in comparison to maymany other systems. As such, Forgers do not seem to be particularly Invested in ways that manifest outwardly, like the highly Invested [[Elantrian]]s or the [[Dahkor]] Monks.{{qa ref|1034|28}}{{qa ref|1047|12}} Another side effect of this is that Forgery has difficulty affecting Invested objects, though the unusual nature of Forgery has a number of loopholes available to it that offset that particular issue.{{17s ref|post|120568}}
The mechanics of Forgery are not specifically clear, but it functions Realmatically in all three realms, more so than many other forms of Investiture. When a Forger stamps an object with a soulstamp, the stamp is initially impressed into the object's physical being. A slight embossing is made in the object, regardless of the material, indicating that the impression is present in more than just the physical body of the object. Likewise, the seal actively resists being removed by force, with a stronger resistance than the physical properties of the object should allow. The ink of the stamp is unable to be easily damaged, and does not fade or run until such time as the seal is broken or dissipates.{{tes ref|3}} It is probable that the seal impresses itself into the cognitive and spiritual aspects of an object.
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