Diferencia entre revisiones de «Churnrock»

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5 bytes añadidos ,  hace 7 años
m (+universe)
m (twak)
|books=[[Perfect State]]
{{quote| He crossed the floor, which sparkled with twisting churnrock--a type of stone that changed colors with pressure.|[[Kairominas|Kai]], about [[Besk]] in the portal room{{book ref|ps|2}}}}
| [[Kairominas|Kai]], about [[Besk]] in the portal room{{book ref|ps|2}}
'''Churnrock''' is the name of a mineral found on [[Alornia]]. It has the property of changing colors under physical pressure. It was gifted to [[Kairominas]] by the [[Larkian|Larkians]], and used to line the floor of his portal room. It was placed there because the shifting colors unsettle Kai's stomach, and he rarely uses the portal room.{{book ref|ps|2}}
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