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'''Braize''' is a [[Shardworld]] in [[Greater Roshar]], the same system as [[Roshar]] and [[Ashyn]].{{17s ref|topic|3934|text=Q&A at Spokane B&N|date=09 August 2013}}. It is the third planet from the system's sun.{{map ref|Roshar system}}
[[Odium]] settledis therecurrently on Braize, although his presence is still felt on Roshar.{{17s ref|topic|3934|text=Q&A at Spokane B&N|date=09 August 2013}} Braize is, according to [[Khriss]], cold and inhospitable. However, despite being to cold to support life, many [[spren]] live there. Braize is unlikely to get its own books, but scenes from [[The Stormlight Archive]] will be set on Braize.{{cite}}
Braize is known to the Vorin people as [[Damnation]]. {{book ref|sa2|32}}
== Notes ==
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[[Category: Braize| ]]


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