Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Alcatraz contra los bibliotecarios malvados»

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m (→‎Chapter 9: tweaks)
==Chapter 18==
Grandpa leads them to a room on the third floor. When they enter, Alcatraz (wearing his Oculator's Lenses) is blinded by all the power in the room. It's filled with shelves containing Lenses. Alcatraz has a feeling of home and now knows he wants to be an Oculator. They desperately look for the Sands that Grandpa saw there before, but Blackburn shows up holding a pair of Lenses -- the Sands have already been forged. Blackburn and Grandpa engage in an Oculator's duel, using multiple overlapping Lenses to defend and attack. Grandpa is vanquished and the Librarian soldiers capture the rest of the group, but not before Alcatraz can make a grab for the Firebringer's Lens, pretending to lunge for the [[Translator's Lenses|Lenses of Rashid]]. Blackburn begins his interrogation again, threatening to kill everyone unless he talks. He starts with Bastille, using the Firebringer's Lens. However, it backfires. Alcatraz broke the Lens, so it shoots backwards. He remembered Quentin saying "Rutabaga . . . fire over the inheritance!" He breaks the bones of his captors and recovers the Lens.
*[[bws: annotation-alcatraz-chapter-eighteen/|Chapter 18 Annotation]]
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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