Diferencia entre revisiones de «Profecías de Terris»

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The '''Terris Prophecies''' were a set of legends which foretells that the [[Hero of Ages]] will save the world.
== Alendi and Rashek==
The '''Terris Prophecies''' were a set of legends which foretells that the [[Hero of Ages]] will save the world by destroying the [[Deepness]]. What the [[Terrisman|Terrismen]] called the Deepness was in fact [[Ruin]]. [[Kwaan]] believed [[Alendi]] to be this hero, because [[Ruin]] was editing the prophecies to make them seem like they applied to Alendi. Kwaan send Alendi out to kill and destroy this Deepness. Kwaan eventually realized that the prophecies had been edited, and send [[Rashek]], his nephew, to prevent Alendi from reaching the Deepness. Rashek went as Alendi's packman. InsteadHe of preventingkilled Alendi fromat gettingthe toend of the Deepnessjourney, heand tookmerged with the Deepnesspower of Preservation at the Well of Ascension. He took it for himself, becomingused Ruin'sit to try to protect the world, and became a [[Sliver]]. of Preservation.
== Vin and Sazed==
The Terris Prophecies were written in the Terris language, which had no gender for thea particular third person singular pronoun. So instead of 'he' or 'she', the word that they used was best translated as 'it'. However, when translated, the translators translated it to 'he', so everybody assumed that the Hero of Ages was male. The Hero of ages was prophesied to create and destroy nations. When Vin defeated the kings laying siege to [[Luthadel]], [[Sazed]] thought it to be Vin, but actually it was Sazed. SazedVin defeatedbecame the holder of the shard Preservation, Ruin's byequal and opposite, and after the death of Elend, attacked Ruin hard enough to kill him, though it killed herself in the process, and unbound both Shards. Sazed took them, becoming a slivervessel of both Ruin and Preservation, bonding them together into Harmony. He fixed the world's failing ecology and renewed the land, and remained to guide and protect the world as the Hero of Ages.
==Prophecy quotes==
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