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The cosmere scholar [[Khriss]] talks of Sel's "three great domains" that are relatively dismissive of each other.{{book ref|arcanum unbounded}} This implies a third yet unknown "great domain" aside from the two empires already mentioned. No other information is known about this third domain, though it is likely on another continent.
== History ==
;300 years before the Reod
: The [[Fjordell]] First Empire collapses{{book ref|Elantris|5}}
: The Fjordell nation adopts the [[Shu-Dereth]] religion{{book ref|Elantris|43}}
;100 years before the Reod
: Baron [[Shuden]]'s family move to Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|11}}
;60 years before the Reod
: [[Dilaf]] is born in Fjordell{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
;50 years before the Reod
: Dilaf joins the Monastery at [[Dakhor]]{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
;40 years before the Reod
: [[Teod]] expels all Derethi priests from its territory{{book ref|Elantris|9}}
;20 years before the Reod
: [[Hrathen]] joins the Derethi priesthood and spends a short time at Dakhor Monastery{{book ref|Elantris|12}}{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
: Dilaf leaves Dakhor for Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
;15 years before the Reod
: Princess [[Sarene]] is born in Teod{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
;10 years before the Reod
: Dilaf's wife, [[Seala]], accidentally made Hoed by a failed Elantrian healing {{book ref|Elantris|25}}
;5 years before the Reod
: [[Seinalan]] made Patriarch of Shu-Korath in response to [[Wulfden]] becoming [[Wyrn]] of Shu-Dereth{{book ref|Elantris|38}}
: [[Dreok Crushthroat]] attempts to take the throne of Teod but is defeated{{book ref|Elantris|20}}
;2 years before the Reod
: Prince Raoden's mother dies{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
: The [[Reod]] occurs, fall of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]], rise of the merchant class{{book ref|Elantris|prologue}}
: [[Eshen]] is married to King [[Iadon]]{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
;5 years since the Reod
: [[Adien]] taken by the Shaod{{book ref|Elantris|60}}
;8 years since the Reod
: [[Soine]], daughter of Telrii, taken by the Shaod{{book ref|Elantris|22}}
;9 years since the Reod
: Prince [[Raoden]] is first contacted by princess [[Sarene]]{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
:: Five months later she proposes{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
: [[Hrathen]] is assigned to [[Duladel Republic]]{{book ref|Elantris|15}}
:: Six months later the Duladel Republic collapses{{book ref|Elantris|16}}
;10 years since the Reod
: Raoden is struck by the Shaod and sent to Elantris{{book ref|Elantris|1}}
: Sarene arrive in [[Arelon]]{{book ref|Elantris|2}}
: Hrathen arrives in Arelon{{book ref|Elantris|3}}
; 1 month after Raoden is struck by the Shaod
: Iadon hangs himself{{book ref|Elantris|35}}
: [[Telrii]] is crowned king{{book ref|Elantris|47}}
; 2 months after Raoden is struck by the Shaod
: Raoden discovers the need for the Chasm line in [[Aon]]s{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
: Raoden and Sarene are crowned King and Queen{{book ref|Elantris|63}}
: The [[invasion of Arelon]]{{book ref|Elantris|57}}
;Unknown number of years later
: [[Shai]] spends 100 days forging [[Ashravan]]'s soul.
== Investiture ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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