Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reino Cognitivo»

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4 bytes eliminados ,  hace 7 años
→‎Inhabitants: gave up on writing a The Beyond article, so removed the link
(→‎Inhabitants: gave up on writing a The Beyond article, so removed the link)
== Inhabitants ==
While everything in the cosmere has a Cognitive aspect, most sentient beings only perceive the [[Physical Realm]]. However, there are several ways to move one's consciousness, and even one's existence, away from the Physical Realm and thereby experience the Cognitive Realm. [[Worldhoppers]] do this in order to easily traverse the space between worlds via the Cognitive land. Furthermore, the souls of the dead appear in the Cognitive Realm before passing on to [[the Beyond]]. Through [[Investiture]], a soul can last longer in the Cognitive Realm, and some even hold on long enough to be considered [[Cognitive shadow]]s, souls that fail to pass on and are stuck in the Cognitive Realm.
There are beings that are considered native to the Cognitive Realm. These Cognitive entities, like the [[spren]] on Roshar, can even form whole civilizations and reside in cities built on the Cognitive land.


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