Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sel»

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== Cosmere ==
Sel is realmatically the most knowledgeable of the known Shardworlds.{{qa ref|977|170|Is Sel realmatically knowledgeable by this point?|date=Sep, 2012}} The planet is the home ofto two [[Shard]]s, [[Devotion]] ([[Aona]]'s Shard) and [[Dominion]], (whichand wastheir heldpowers byhave [[Skai]])influenced many Selish traditions, religions, and languages. At some point in Sel's distant past, [[Odium]] killed the [[Vessel]]s of both AonaDevotion and Skai,Dominion and SplinteringSplintered the two Shards.{{article ref|The Letter}} SelThe iscollective realmaticallypower of the mostSplintered knowledgeableShards ofbecame somehow trapped in the known[[Cognitive Shardworlds.{{qaRealm]], ref|977|170|Isand Selis realmaticallynow knowledgeablewhat bySelish thispeople point?call the [[Dor]].{{book ref|date=Sep,arcanum 2012unbounded}}
Due to this, while travel to Sel is possible via the Cognitive Realm (for example, there is a [[perpedicularity]] in Arelon in the form of [[The Lake|a pool of sapphire-colored liquid]] near Elantris), the raging uncontrolled power of the Dor makes this "really tough"{{qa ref|977|11|Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to worldhop?|date=Sep, 2012}}{{17s ref|post|408044}}.
Hoid has visited Sel.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}
Hoid has visited Sel.{{book ref|Elantris|58}}
While travel to Sel is possible via [[Shadesmar]] (the [[Cognitive Realm]]), it is "really tough"{{qa ref|977|11|Can anyone with access to Shadesmar learn how to worldhop?|date=Sep, 2012}} due to the raging uncontrolled power of the Spintered Shards trapped in the Cognitive Realm{{17s ref|post|408044}}{{book ref|arcanum unbounded}}.
== Trivia ==


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