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m (Reverted edits by WayneWayneWayne (talk) to last revision by Fbstj)
The '''Ones Above''' is the colloquial name for a space-faring group that visit [[First of the Sun]].{{book ref|sixth}}
They have advanced technology.
The Ones Above have incredibly advanced technology. They have space ships, and the natives of First of the Sun believe that they "live in the Stars". They have small handheld devices that can map out the current locations of the [[Aviar]]. It has a limited range. They also have a large device that can locate Aviar and print out a map marking where they are with dots. The large device can also translates languages, including the language of the Ones Above. It does not need a power source. They have other devices that they are not willing to show the people of First of the Sun.
They visit many people in many other planets. They don't trade with the people of First of the Sun because that would be comparable to an adult negotiating with a child. However, they want to trade with them and as a result will occasionally give them devices such as the Aviar trackers in the hopes that they will develop faster. They intentionally leave documents such as blueprints in their machines as if on accident so that the people will develop faster.
We have met them, presumably on another world.{{qa ref|1097|19|We have met the One's Above|date=Dec 6th, 2014}}
== Notes ==
<references />
{{Sixth of the Dusk}}


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