Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sombras por Silencio en los bosques del infierno»

→‎Plot Summary: added link to summary page
m (→‎Plot Summary: added link to summary page)
== Plot Summary ==
{{for|Shadows for Silence/Summary|a chapter by chapter summary}}
The story follows [[Silence Montane]], the proprietress of a [[waystop]] in the Forests of Hell and secret identity of the legendary bounty hunter known as “The White Fox.” Desperate to remain solvent and keep her waystop out of the hands of her creditor [[Theopolis]], she takes on the challenge of hunting down [[Chesterton Divide]], a notorious highwayman, and his crew. The complexity of the job quickly escalates as the night goes on. By the end, there are unexpected consequences for everyone involved.
Editors, Keepers
