Diferencia entre revisiones de «Cultivación»

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No hay cambio en el tamaño ,  hace 7 años
Changed Night Mother to Nightwatcher, to not confuse with Midnight Mother.
(Changed Night Mother to Nightwatcher, to not confuse with Midnight Mother.)
With the lack of information on Cultivation, speculation runs rampant of what her influence may be. With Honor dead and Splintered, as well as Odium's influence in the [[Voidbringer]]s, it is possible Cultivation or one of her servants is the [[Nightwatcher]], and that she is responsible for the [[Old Magic]]. As the Nightwatcher is referred to as both male{{book ref|twok|47}} and female,{{book ref|twok|27}} its gender cannot be used to prove a connection to Cultivation.
Further support for this connection is found in Interlude 9 of Words of Radiance Lift. Wyndle specifically refers to her going to the old magic and receiving his mother's blessing. In chapter 3 of Words of Radiance, the dichotomy of spren is discussed. Honor is connected to spren of emotion. Cultivation is connected to spren that represent forces. The conclusion can be made that the Night MotherNightwatcher is the Cognitive Realm manifestation of Cultivation.
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