Diferencia entre revisiones de «Reino Físico»

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25 bytes añadidos ,  hace 8 años
the entire page needs to be re-worked, and I've had it open in a tab for months and not gotten to it so I'm tabling it for now and marking it to be moved to Physical Realm as discussed
m (this page needs to be looked at)
m (the entire page needs to be re-worked, and I've had it open in a tab for months and not gotten to it so I'm tabling it for now and marking it to be moved to Physical Realm as discussed)
{{move|Physical Realm}}
'''Astronomy''' is all the space objects in the [[cosmere]], including [[cosmere#planets|shardworlds]] and minor shardworlds, suns, stars and moons.
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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