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== Appearance and Personality ==
Adolin’s hair is mostly blond with streaks of Alethi black running through it{{book ref|twok|15}} and it has been described as an unruly mop{{book ref|twok|28}}{{book ref|sa2|4}} and a stylish mess{{book ref|twok|58}}. Despite the blond hair color he and Renarin share, they are both Dalinar's legitimate sons.{{17s ref|post|66703}} It is, however, seen as a mark of their bloodline being impure. {{book ref|sa2|38}} Kaladin believes Adolin's mother may in fact be from [[Rira (country)|Rira]] because his hair is mostly golden blond.{{book ref|sa2|16}} Adolin prefers to remain clean shaven but he did grow a beard when he threw himself in jail in protest of Kaladin’s imprisonment. His beard was also blond speckled with black.{{book ref|sa2|66}} His eyes are blue{{book ref|twok|15}} and have an [[Wikipedia:Epicanthic fold|epicanthic fold]]{{qa ref|979|86}}. He has been described as handsome on numerous occasions{{book ref|twok|15}}{{book ref|twok|46}}{{book ref|sa2|49}} and as he is Alethi it can be surmised that his skin is tan in colourcolor. There is some inconsistency as to Adolin's height, being described as both shorter{{book ref|twok|15}} and the same height{{book ref|sa2|4}} as Dalinar. Shardplate adds a few inches to his height but he is not as tall as Kaladin.{{book ref|sa2|16}}
Adolin is incredibly loyal to his father despite not always seeing eye-to-eye with him and is certainly unafraid to voice his opinions{{book ref|twok|24}}. Despite his opposing views he remains steadfastly obedient, listening to his father and following the codesCodes{{book ref|twok|22}} even if he does not necessarily believe in them or wish to obey them. He shows an unwillingness to become the highprince when Dalinar considers stepping aside in favourfavor of him, still intensely loyal to his father{{book ref|twok|52}}. His skepticism surrounding the codesCodes eventually changes and Adolin begins to understand their purpose. He grows to become a better leader because of this and at the same time he grows further away from the people he once considered to be friends{{book ref|twok|58}}.
He deeply cares about his family and one of the few times Adolin admits to being frightened is seeing his father looking fragile and worn down{{book ref|twok|28}}. Adolin even allows the four-on-one duel to continue when [[Relis Ruthar]] threatens to have [[Abrobadar]] ‘’accidentally” kill [[Renarin]]{{book ref|sa2|56}}. He is also quick to defend Renarin when [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] insults his younger brother{{book ref|twok|15}}. Adolin seems to have had a good relationship with his deceased mother as well, carrying a chain that once belonged to her for good luck during duels.{{book ref|sa2|14}}
Adolin is observant and this has also lead to him being suspicious of those he does not trust. He absolutely does not trust Sadeas, even when his father asks him to, and is eventually proven right at the battle of the tower.{{book ref|twok|65}} He is suspicious of Kaladin for a long time, being the only one to notice that the arm Szeth had cut with his [[Honorblade]] had miraculously healed itself.{{book ref|sa2|33}} He is the first person outside of [[Bridge Four]] to believe Kaladin’s claims about [[Amaram]], stating that he always felt the man was hiding something.{{book ref|sa2|66}}
Adolin is very tactically minded. [[Shallan]] notes that he is not as ‘brilliant’"brilliant" as Kaladin{{book ref|sa2|77}} but this does not mean he is unintelligent. He even admits to sometimes feigning at being dense.{{book ref|sa2|49}} He applies his knowledge in a more direct manner to win duels and battles and isn’t quite as skilled in wit or rhetoric.{{book ref|sa2|68}}
Adolin is compared to his father on various occasions, Dalinar continuously saying that Adolin is a better man than he is.{{book ref|sa2|85}} Adolin believes differently.{{book ref|sa2|89}}
<!--In which Adolin fails at romance spectacularly and worries about his father, two things he is rather famous for. Oh and conducts an investigation into a potential assassination attempt on his cousins life but who cares about that?)-->
Adolin goes about taking the girth to different leather workers and drags [[Janala]] along with him under the pretense of it being a walk. The leatherworkers [[Yis]] and [[Avaran]] both agree that the girth had been cut but are unsure if it was cut intentionally or by accident. After they leave the leatherworking shop Janala asks Adolin if he’ll convince his father to let the men wear something other than their unfashionable uniforms. While Adolin agrees with her that following the Codes is tiresome, bordering on burdensome in aggregate, he lets her know he does not believe he can change his father’s mind. While they are walking a chrysalis is spotted on the plains. Adolin wishes for his father to respond but no calls to ready the army come. Adolin then takes Janala to the temple, which earns him more complaints from her and she leaves to wait outside while he talks to [[Kadash]], one of his father’s ardents. Adolin knows that it is his inattention that has upset her more than the location they ended up in, and realizes they will most likely not be courting for much longer.{{book ref|twok|18}}
Kadash asks Adolin if he has come to the temple because of the lack of progress he has made on his Calling. Though embarrassed by this fact Adolin instead asks Kadash if Dalinar is going mad or if he is really seeing visions. Adolin informs Kadash of [[Dalinar's visions|the visions]] and how they seem to be about the Knights Radiant and possibly even the future. Kadash is visibly disturbed by the news. He explains to Adolin that Dalinar is not to be mocked and that if the visions are true than it is something between Dalinar and the [[Almighty]] but insinuates rather heavily that it may be PTSD. He tells Adolin that if anyone is to help him it must be Adolin himself as it would be unacceptable for anyone else who is not family.{{book ref|twok|18}}
Two days later Adolin informs his father of his findings. He has been to three different leatherworkers who all have different opinions. The strap had been sliced but the strap was also worn beforehand and it was not necessarily cut by a knife. Dalinar tells Adolin he will tell Elhokar that they have run into a dead end and will pursue other avenues of investigation, which Adolin agrees is the best course of action. He then tries to bring up the subject of his father’s latest episode but Dalinar is quick to end the line of questioning as they arrive at the king’s feast. Before they part ways Dalinar orders Adolin and Renarin to limit themselves to only one cup of blue wine and then stick to orange for the rest of the evening which earns a complaint from Adolin who begrudgingly obeys.{{book ref|twok|22}}
During the feast Adolin finds his father once more and informs him that he has dueled three different men who have accused both Dalinar and House Kholin of being cowards and of asking the king to abandon the [[Vengeance Pact]]. Dalinar tells Adolin to let them speak as they wish but Adolin asks him if it is true that Dalinar really did ask to abandon the Vengence Pact. When his father reveals that it is true Adolin groans and says he had his suspicions. Dalinar asks Adolin if he trusts him and Adolin replies that he wants to but he worries that his father’s visions may be delusions. Dalinar promises that they will talk later which pacifies Adolin somewhat. His father then tells Adolin he is right to be worried about their House's reputation. Dalinar thought that Elhokar would keep quiet about what they had discussed but he clearly did not and he neglected to mention that Dalinar had later suggested winning the war by striking the Parshendi directly.{{book ref|twok|18}} Once the Vengeance Pact is fulfilled they would be able to go back home and stabilize Alethkar. Adolin agrees with the his father's plan without objection, which surprises Dalinar somewhat. Adolin explains that striking harder is something he can easily get behind but that they will need a solid plan to get everyone on board with it. Dalinar originally was the architect for the way things are done presently{{book ref|twok|18}} and the other highprinces would use this as a counter argument. Dalinar postulates that they could win if all ten armies march together but Adolin points out that it would require a lot of trust and that if the highprinces start fighting while on the march it could be disastrous. He looks at Sadeas while he says his. They set up a plan to try and get another highprince to work with them, to see if it can even be done. Adolin then asks what they are going to do about the gossip. His father promises to release an official refutation but Adolin wonders why he does not duel instead or task Adolin with the honourhonor of the house. Dalinar explains it is because of the codesCodes and letting Adolin duel would be the same as letting himself duel. Adolin tells Dalinar that the visions, the Codes and The Way of Kings have all changed him. Dalinar wonders, internally, if Adolin may have a point. His father then explains that they can’t force others to follow their example and that duelling them because they think House Kholin is composed of cowards is not going to change the way they think. Adolin admits that an official refutation is better than nothing at least.{{book ref|twok|22}}
Just as Adolin is about to leave his father he spots his aunt [[Navani]], who he is quick to hug affectionately. She asks him how his courting is going and Dalinar likens it to a dance in which the music is fast and the partners change often. She tells Adolin that it is good he has not settled down and that it is only old people who should have to be boring. Adolin thanks her and then leaves to tell Renarin that their aunt has returned.{{book ref|twok|22}}
Having heard enough his father dismisses him promptly and as Adolin leaves he tells himself that it was something that had to be said but admits he feels sick that he was the one who had to say it. {{book ref|twok|25}}
Dalinar and Adolin speak to one another some days later when Dalinar calls for the army to mobilize for a plateau skirmish. Adolin apologisesapologizfes for where and how he said his grievances to his father, though he is not sorry for voicing them. Just as they are about to set off a messenger approaches with news that Sadeas is demanding admittance to the warcamp. Dalinar allows it though Adolin is quick to suppose that Sadeas is out for their blood. When they approach him Sadeas says he can conduct his investigation as they head out, making a snide comment about their speed given that they use the slow chull carried bridges. Adolin tries to object to Sadeas coming along as it will distract the soldiers but Dalinar overrides Adolin’s suggestions. They leave Sadeas to his investigation as they head out.{{book ref|twok|26}}
Adolin, along with Dalinar lead the charge against the Parshendi. During the battle, when the [[Thrill]] leaves Dalinar, Adolin is quick to come help and protect his father in the moment of distraction. When the battle is won Adolin harvests the [[gemheart]].{{book ref|twok|26}}
While walking in Sadeas’s camp with the [[Cobalt Guard]] Adolin interrupts one of Sadeas’s officers as he physically assaults a prostitute. The man tells Adolin to mind his own business but Adolin amicably informs him that he has legitimate business in the camp and tries to dissuade him from continuing the abuse. The man spits on Adolin’s extended hand in response. In reply Adolin summons his Shardblade and the officer and his cronies scatter. He then helps the prostitute off the ground, asking her what she did to make the officer so angry. She tells him she insulted his reputation after he gloated to her and Adolin responds that she should probably ask to be paid upfront. He then tells her she should probably avoid Sadeas’s camp from now on and that he will escort her to the border. She offers to sleep with him free of charge as a thank you and Adolin tells her that though her offer is tempting his father would kill him if he accepted.{{book ref|twok|46}}
Adolin then turns to Kaladin who had been watching and was going to rush to help before Adolin showed up. He calls him ‘bridgeboy’"bridgeboy" and tells him to go to Brightlord [[Reral Makoram]] and inform him that Adolin Kholin will not be attending their planned meeting and will reschedule at a later date. He flips an emerald chip to Kaladin and leaves with the Cobalt Guard to escort the prostitute.
Kaladin doesn’t do what he asks, annoyed with how Adolin treated him. He is genuinely baffled by Adolin’s behaviour, trying to figure out what Adolin thought he could have gained by helping the woman. He is unable to believe Adolin’s actions were altruistic.{{book ref|twok|46}}
<!--In which Adolin butts heads with his father and is easily manipulated by his aunt-->
While waiting for the coming highstorm Adolin tells his father that his plan to abdicate, which Dalinar had informed his sons of a week ago, is insane. Dalinar dryly points out that it is appropriate given that Adolin accused him of being insane. When Adolin denies the wording Renarin points out that he had called their father crazy. Frustrated, Adolin tries to explain that he didn’t mean for it to come to this and tells his father that though he may have problems it is no reason to abdicate. Dalinar tells him that the other highprinces will use the weakness against House Kholin and if he stays matters may only grow worse. Adolin petulantly proclaims he does not yet want to be highprince to which his father says that leadership is not about what one wants. When Adolin asks his father what he will do if he does abdicate Dalinar says he will return to Alethkar, though he hates to leave the army down a shardbearerShardbearer. However [[Kholinar]] does have need of one, now that they are all here on the Shattered Plains. It may dissuade the [[Reshi]] and the [[Veden]]s though Adolin points out that it may also lead to the two nations sending their own Shardbearers to the border incursions. This worries Dalinar but he tells his sons they will have to continue the conversation later and that they should tie him to his chair. Adolin does as he is told though he does not enjoy doing it.{{book ref|twok|52}}
Adolin and Renarin watch over their father during his vision and when he returns they look uncomfortable and tense. Adolin helps untie Dalinar while Renarin fetches wine. Adolin watches his father until Dalinar asks if it really is that difficult to watch. Adolin and Renarin tell him that he thrashes boutabout and speaks in gibberish. When Dalinar uses this as further proof for his abdication Adolin tells him that the episodes easily containable and that he simply does not want his father using the delusions to make decisions about House Kholin’s future. Dalinar tells Adolin that he does not think they are delusions and that they are real visions, even if he accepts the fact that it was wrong to automatically assume they were from the Almighty. He postulates that they could be the product of the [[Old Magic]] but that they are not a product of his curse or boon. Adolin is shocked to learn that the Old Magic is real and that his father has searched it out.{{book ref|twok|52}}
The argument continues with Adolin saying that they can still contain it. If his father has an episode on the battlefield then they will deal with it as it comes. He does not like the fact that even now his father’s decisions, and the decisions he makes for his sons and their house, are being ruled by the delusions. Renarin then suggests that they find a way to prove the visions are true and they send for Navani. While Renarin is gone Adolin asks his father what they will do if Adolin is proven right. Dalinar confesses that a part of him wishes that Adolin was and that it might be better for Alethkar. Adolin then asks about Sadeas, who is nearly finished his investigation. Dalinar gives Adolin leave to prepare for the worst, noting that if he and Sadeas go to war than Alethkar as a unified state will shatter.{{book ref|twok|52}}
During another feast Dalinar calls for Adolin to stay close and to prepare for a worst case scenario. [[Wit]] had warned him that Sadeas was going to make a move tonight. Adolin informs his father that six of the Cobalt Guard are at the feast and he has installed members of the King's Guard who are loyal to House Kholin and Dalinar at the king’s island. Adolin points out possible avenues of retreat in case they are needed due to his cousin’s increasing paranoia but Dalinar does not believe it will come to that. When everything is set up they move to the King’s island where Dalinar directly asks Sadeas about the results of his investigation. Sadeas clears House Kholin of any suspicion, completely blindsiding Adolin but vindicating Dalinar.{{book ref|twok|54}}
====A Change of Heart====
As they ready to make an assault on the Tower some days later Adolin effects that he is happy he was proven wrong and resolves to trust his father. When he goes out to meet his father they find Sadeas, who should already be on the move as speed in assaulting the towerTower is imperative. Sadeas says that they need to confer given the particular difficulties the Tower presents. If they can trap and kill the ten thousand Parshendi they always commit to assaults they can change the tiedtide of the war. Adolin finds himself agreeing with Sadeas’s assessment. Sadeas gets Dalinar to commit eight thousand troops and to using his faster bridges now that he has a new method of using them.{{book ref|twok|64}} When they arrive at the southern staging plateau Adolin is the one who directs the troops.{{book ref|twok|65}}
Part way through the battle a second Parshendi army arrives. Adolin notices this before Dalinar and, frantic, he runs to his father asking him what they are supposed to do. He points it out and as Dalinar goes to check for himself he sees Sadeas leaving and taking all of his bridges with him, effectively leaving the Kholin army to be slaughtered with no way for retreat. {{book ref|twok|65}} Adolin and Dalinar fight side by side against the Parshendi. Adolin berates their shared decision to trust Sadeas:
As the battle continues however he tells his father that he does not blame his father for what is happening and that he wishes he had not fought Dalinar on every little thing. Adolin reflects that if he had trusted his father instead of distracting them both they might have seen Sadeas’s betrayal. With that reconciliation they both prepare to die alongside their army, fighting to the last breath.{{book ref|twok|66}}
When Kaladin makes the decision to turn back to save the Kholin army, Dalinar notices the returning bridge. Adolin at first thinks it is a trick but they both decide to punch through the Parshendi with the army to have one chance of saving their men, no matter how slim that chance is.{{book ref|twok|67}} When Kaladin finds Adolin he orders him to make his soldiers retreat. Adolin stubbornly refuses to at first, desperate to save his father who is battling [[Eshonai]] but Kaladin tells Adolin that if he falls his men will have nothing. Adolin can barely walk as it is. He finally orders Captainlord Malan to go with Kaladin to save his father. {{book ref|twok|68}} When returning from the battle Adolin gives his father his gauntlet because of the two of them Adolin is younger and if either of the two of them were to go without part of their shardplateShardplate it should be him. When they arrive, Navani and Renarin are waiting for them in Sadeas’s warcamp. Renarin hugs his father and greets Adolin by pounding on his shardplateShardplate while grinning. The brothers are both a bit uncomfortable when Navani and Dalinar embrace. They are soon encountered by Sadeas’s hostile troops. Dalinar tells Adolin not to summon his blade When Dalinar offers up his ShadbladeShardblade in a trade for the [[bridgemen]] Adolin objects but is overruled.{{book ref|twok|69}}
====Disarming the Shardbearers====
| Adolin to Kaladin{{book ref|wor|16}}
At the training grounds Adolin and Kaladin’s dislike for one another only grows. Adolin tells Kaladin he doesn’t trust him and that even though Kaladin’s job is to keep him alive he can take care of himself and Kaladin should instead spend his time keeping Renarin safe. Adolin has brought Renarin to the training grounds to petition Zahel to train him.{{book ref|wor|16}} When Zahel tests Kaladin’s ability to protect Renarin Adolin joins in, deliberately provoking Kaladin. The two fight and in the end, after he throws Kaladin off of him, Zahel chews him out for fighting an unarmed sparring partner the way he did. {{book ref|wor|18}}
During a high storm Kaladin finds Adolin looking at a fashion magazine and questions why he would be when all he wears is uniforms. Adolin, annoyed, asks Kaladin if he really needs to be there and when Kaladin explains why asks that he at least leave him and Renarin out of it. When Dalinar asks Adolin if he’s made any progress in his duels Adolin says that he thought others would want to challenge him after Salinor but it seems they’re stalling instead. When Kaladin asks if he has tried anyone in Sadeas’ camp Adolin tells him the only Shardbearer is Amaram. Dalinar says Adolin wouldn’t be duelling him because Amaram might be on their side and possibly willing to secede to the Kholin princedom. Adolin gives out his plan to challenge other half Shardbearers with the argument that this will make full Shardbearers see him as a challenge and that his father will help maneuver them to challenging him. When Kaladin points out the flaws of this Dalinar agrees with him and tells Adolin he doesn’t have to win every Shard in the Warcampswarcamps. They simply have to undermine Sadeas and kill him in a duel if they can.{{book ref|wor|23}}
While the bridgemen learn how to ride horses Adolin and Renarin are out exercising theirs. Adolin taunts Kaladin’s difficulties with [[Spray]], the horse he’s riding. He ends up goading Kaladin into riding [[Dreamstorm]] and calls him mad when Kaladin follows through and inevitably gets thrown from the horse’s back. He later thanks Kaladin for not telling his father that he more or less dared Kaladin to do it.{{book ref|wor|25}}
====The Return of the Assassin in White====
After Eshonai’s messenger’s arrival and confirmation of the meeting place Kaladin wants to evacuate the palace as he feels it is unsafe, even though the highstorm is just ending. As they move to do so [[Szeth]] arrives. Dalinar sends Renarin with Elhokar to protect him while he, Adolin and Kaladin face off against the assassinAssassin in whiteWhite, not knowing that he is there to kill Dalinar. Adolin wants to take on the assassin himself but Dalinar says they’ll fight him together. During the fight Adolin gets surgeboundLashed to the ceiling by Szeth and later falls when the stormlight runs out, and landslanding on his shoulder, and is removed from the fight, appearing unconscious to Kaladin. {{book ref|wor|32}} After the fight Adolin seems to doubt Kaladin’s account of how he survived. He is particularly curious as to why Kaladin’s arm seems fine but the sleeve is cut after the arm had been cut by Szeth’s blade. {{book ref|wor|33}} The next day Adolin reflects on the night’s encounter more and finds Kaladin to have been suspiciously effective against Szeth. After watching the Soulcasters create a new windbreak he grills Kadash, the supervising ardent, about the Radiants and tells him to do more research into them. {{book ref|wor|35}}
At the meeting of the Highprinces Adolin worries about his effectiveness in protecting his father from the Assassin in White when he was useless the last time. While the meeting is on break he goes to Relis, current duelling champion, son of Highprince Ruthar and full Shardbearer, and tries to goad him into a duel. While Relis refuses, even with five of the Kholin’s shards on the line, he manages to hook Relis’s cousin Elit. Afterwards he is cornered by Sadeas who tells him that what he did at the Battle of the Tower was done as a kindness to Adolin’s father. Adolin threatens Sadeas with a slow death and reflects that you can abandon an ally on the battlefield and leave them to die but an offense in person is considered worse in the eyes of society. He almost punches Sadeas in the face but is stopped by [[Amaram]]. Adolin tries to convince Amaram to secede but Amaram says he must remain with Sadeas to help bridge gaps. He also says that he and Sadeas have an understanding. Adolin doubts Amaram’s sterling reputation. He is distracted however by the arrival of Shallan and struck by her beauty and when he approaches her he overhears her informing his aunt and father of Jasnah’s death.{{book ref|wor|37}}
Adolin and Shallan meet and flirt for a while before Adolin is sent away by his father. Dalinar reveals to Shallan while Adolin is away that the reason he agreed to the causal betrothal of his son was to make Adolin seem unavailable to those who would manipulate him for political gain. She has to persuade him, Navani and Adolin to turn the causal into a full betrothal. At the meeting Dalinar tells the gathered Highprinces that Adolin will win their shards from them, which they take to be a joke. {{book ref|wor|38}}
Adolin and Shallan meet and flirt for a while before Adolin is sent away by his father. Dalinar reveals to Shallan while Adolin is away that the reason he agreed to the causal betrothal of his son was to make Adolin seem unavailable to those who would manipulate him for political gain. She has to persuade him, Navani and Adolin to turn the causal into a full betrothal. At the meeting Dalinar tells the gathered Highprinces that Adolin will win their shards from them, which they take to be a joke. {{book ref|wor|38}}
For their first date Adolin takes Shallan to one of the trendy winehouses that allow viewings of oncoming highstorms. Shallan asks him about plateau runs and feels as though she’s filling an expected role in the conversation with Adolin until she asks him how he poops if he’s in shardplate. Though embarrassed Adolin reveals that he has defecated in his shardplate three times, all on purpose. From that point on their interaction becomes more genuine.
They move on to discussing Chasmfiendschasmfiends and gemhearts and sustainability. Adolin feigns ignorance for a while, saying he isn’t good at anything that doesn’t involve stabbing, but eventually says he’s not as dense as he’s pretending. Shallan suggests raising and harvesting Chasmfiends that waychasmfiends as a solution to thetheir dwindling population. Adolin, surprising Shallan, asks her what she needs to make it happen. She asks to be taken out onto the Shattered Plains to see an uncut chrysalis for herself. Adolin is hesitant about this but Shallan tells him she knows he’ll protect her. Adolin reveals to Shallan his father’s visions and Sadea’sSadeas’s betrayal. In turn Shallan reveals Jasnah’s suspicions of the [[Parshmen]] being related to the return of the [[Voidbringers]]. Adolin tells Shallan he’ll talk to his aunt and try to smooth things over for her so Shallan can talk to Navani about Jasnah’s research. Afterwards they watch the approaching highstorm and are the last remaining spectators until Adolin has to drag Shallan indoors before the storm hits. Before they go to the gender segregated sitting rooms Adolin promises to try and get her out onto the Plains. {{book ref|wor|49}}
While waiting out the highstorm Adolin encounters Sadeas. Sadeas tries to engage Adolin in conversation about fashion and Adolin thinks about how much he wants to kill the highprince, but knows that it would only lead to his own execution or exile. Sadeas reveals that he has renounced the title of [[Highprince of Information]]. Adolin interprets this as a rejection of the King’s authority. Sadeas goes on to say that he is glad Adolin survived the Tower and that he will make a fine highprince in the upcoming months and goes as far as to say that in ten years he and Adolin will have a fine alliance. Adolin counters with saying he’ll have killed Sadeas by then. When Adolin returns to his father’s bunker he finds the bridgemen around another mysterious message. Adolin has them summon Navani. Dalinar believes he might have made the markings during one of his fits because they were made with his knife but Adolin points out anyone could have taken it to do this. Dalinar and Navani are of a different opinion however. {{book ref|wor|50}}
| Adolin {{book ref|wor|57}}
Before the duel, Adolin goes through his rituals, burning the prayer Shallan wrote for him and praying himself. Navani expresses her worry, particularly over the terms that the duel shall end with surrender rather than breaking the shardplate. When Renarin does his check that Adolin has followed his routine, they discover that Adolin’s mother’s chain is missing. This momentarily throws Adolin off balance, though he starts to recover as they put on his plate. When his opponents enter the ring there are four of them rather than the two that Adolin had assumed. Instead of forfeiting, Adolin signals for the duel to commence. He recognizes the three shardbearersShardbearers Relis brought with him: Elit, [[Abrobadar]] and Jakamav. {{book ref|wor|56}}
Adolin attacks, trying to minimize any attempt they have to assess and respond. He does alright for a while but eventually becomes overwhelmed. When he attempts to yield the shardbearersShardbearers stop him and Highjudge Istow doesn’t, or chooses not to, hear him. Adolin realizes that if he leaves the duel alive he’d be doing so as a cripple. Renarin joins the duel with just his shardblade and Adolin tries to convince him to leave but Renarin refuses. Relis tells him that so long as Adolin does not surrender or make his cousin end the duel, Abrobadar will not hurt Renarin but if Adolin does attempt any of those things Renarin will die. {{book ref|wor|56}}
Kaladin joins the duel as well, keeping the duel still at a disadvantage. He gets to Adolin and the two form a plan: Kaladin will keep one distracted and keep an eye on Renarin if he can while Adolin takes on the other two. Adolin tells him that they might use Renarin as leverage against them so they need to be prepared for it. Two-on-one actually seems to be an even match for Adolin. Adolin manages to break Elit’s breastplate, incapacitating him, and Kaladin forces him to surrender. When Elit surrenders, Abrobadar abandons Renarin and joins Relis and Jakamav in fighting Adolin. When Kaladin runs to help, Relis and Jakamav abandon Adolin to take out Kaladin. When they do so, Adolin uses the opportunity to defeat Abrobadar and then jumps on Jakamav from behind and proceeds to wrestle him. His plate locks and they both tumble to the ground. {{book ref|wor|57}}
Adolin locks himself up on the third day of Kaladin's imprisonment in protest. {{book ref|wor|59}} He communicates with Shallan via spanreed, asking her to come visit him because he’s bored. He uses an ardent rather than one of his father’s scribes because he does not want Shallan to get jealous. Adolin tells her that his father is planning an expedition to eliminate the Parshendi once and for all and that he managed to convince Dalinar to bring Shallan along. {{book ref|wor|63}}
Though he’s wearing several weeks growth of beard on his face, Adolin had cold baths and even wore cologne while in prison. When Kaladin asks him why he locked himself up, Adolin said it didn’t seem right that Kaladin was in there, especially after saving his life. When Kaladin apologizes for ruining the plan Adolin tells him that it was Elhokar who did, not him. He even believes Kaladin about Amaram unquestioningly, stating the man seems too perfect and is thus hiding something. When they exit the prison Bridge Four and Adolin’s armourersarmorers are waiting. Adolin presents Kaladin with a platePlate and bladeBlade but Kaladin offers them to Moash instead. Pulling him aside Adolin asks him why and Kaladin tells him he doesn’t want his life to change because he is lighteyeslighteyed, he wants to change the lives of people like him and he cannot do that as a lighteyes. When Adolin presses that the Assassin in White will return Kaladin tells him he’ll be more useful without the shards.{{book ref|wor|66}}
====The Expedition====
Adolin is present with Shallan at the feast when Navani’s recordings of Dalinar’s visions are exposed. {{book ref|wor|67}} Adolin manages to roll out an entire strike force and his father to accompany Shallan so she can study a Chasmfiendchasmfiend Chrysalischrysalis. Adolin and Kaladin discuss the Assassin in White as they go, deciding that they can slow him with arrows if he attacks out here on the plains. Kaladin tells Adolin that Szeth can heal himself and thus he should always go for the kill when fighting him. Adolin also awkwardly tries and fails to get Kaladin to reveal his secret but when Kaladin asks him if he trusts him Adolin says he does.
When Shallan comes over to them she kisses Adolin’s cheek much to his surprise as Alethi are not so publicly affectionate. When she rhetorically asks why the moss is growing weird on a rock he replies that it’s because of alcohol in an attempt at being funny. Shallan asks Adolin to slay the moss for her and he bemusedly does so, cutting the top of the rock off with his Shardblade and then leaves Kaladin to watch over her as he goes to get something to drink. While he’s gone he lets the darkeyed waterboys try on his shardplateShardplate helmet. Later when the carpenter destroys the bridge Adolin ran to try to stop him and grabbed his father but was unable to save Shallan or Kaladin who fell into the chasms. {{book ref|wor|68}}
When Adolin learns that Shallan is alive he rushes to her apartments. Though he initiates the hug, the first time he’s ever initiated any physical affection, Shallan is the one who initiates the kiss. When Shallan asks where he’d been, he tells her he was delivering his father’s ultimatum to finish the [[Vengeance Pact]] to the other high princes. Dalinar thought it would keep Adolin occupied while grieving over Shallan. Adolin promises he’ll never let anything happen to Shallan again and she tells him she appreciates his concern but does not want that from him. While confused about this, he backs her up when Navani promises something similar. {{book ref|wor|75}}
====[[Battle of Narak|The Battle of Narak]]====
Adolin delivers the news that the Parshendi number at least ten thousand to the highprinces before the battle. {{book ref|wor|80}} At the start of the battle Dalinar commands Adolin to take his force and stop the Parshendi’s singing at all costs. He’s accompanied by Skar and Drehy of Bridge Four as his guards. When Adolin crosses the bridge to engage the Parshendi they summon up lighteninglightning and kill Sureblood, knocking Adolin from his saddle. He grieves for a moment over the Ryshadium before charging back into the battle and commanding his troops. He discovers that the Parshendi’s lightning acts like lightning and will often miss targets by going into the ground. He also discovers that their lighteninglightning does not affect shardplateShardplate. {{book ref|wor|81}}
The parshendiParshendi try to immobilize Adolin by lassoing him with ropes but he manages to cut through them and fend them off. The parshendiParshendi are engaging Adolin in teams to keep him out of the battle where he’d be the most deadly. When [[Perel]], the man he placed as field commander, calls for the flank’s retreat Adolin guards it in case the Parshendi pursue. Perel tells him neither side is making headway and that he is worried about the singing Parshendi reserves up against a rock formation in the middle of the plateau. Adolin can no longer feel the Thrill which he passes off as just being tired. Adolin remembers what Shallan said about the rock formations being hollow and devises a plan to go through the formation with a battalion. {{book ref|wor|82}}
Adolin and a thousand men go through the crem encrusted building to the wall the Parshendi singers are hiding against. He cuts two holes intoin the wall for his men to exit through, the first one going unnoticed because of all the chanting and rain but the second was. He charges into the Parshendi and starts cutting them down. He likens it to killing sleeping men and reflects on how attacking ordinary soldiers with shardsShards was doing dirty work. Despite winning the plateau, the Parshendi’s expressions of horror haunt him as he cuts them down, feeling nauseated. Though he’s caught unawares by Eshonai and her attack, he mentally thanks her for her arrival, glad to have an honest fight on his hands. {{book ref|wor|83}}
Fighting Eshonai, Adolin senses the Thrill in her and uses this to his advantage in their duel, luring her to the edge of the plateau. Though Eshonai manages to break his vambrace Adolin knocks her off the edge of the plateau and down into the chasms. This gambit breaks his helm and nearly topples him over the edge as well but he is caught and saved by Drehy and Skar.
While jogging across the bridge to find out what was going on with the rest of the army, Adolin grabs the arm of a man in a thick cloak who he assumes is delivering something and asks where his father is. When the hood falls off Adolin discovers the man is the Assassin in White. {{book ref|wor|84}}
Szeth throws a badly beaten Adolin through one of the tents and Adolin lands near his father, most of his platePlate broken or cracked. Dalinar cradles Adolin as Szeth approaches and tells him to be a better man than he was and to not play the games of the other light eyeslighteyes before getting up and approaching Szeth. Adolin tries to stop him but with so much of his platePlate broken he struggles to get up. He watches his father and Szeth fight and eventually manages to stand. Drehy and Skar help him remove his armourarmor. Once it’s off, he runs to save his father, who was knelt in defeat before Szeth, but [[Roion]] gets there before him and is lashedLashed upwards to the sky by Szeth. Wearing no shardplateShardplate again Adolin engages Szeth. Dalinar and Adolin both rush Szeth, hoping to score a lucky blow, but Szeth flies out of the way. Szeth manages to land a hand on Dalinar in the fight and lashesLashes him upwards into the storm. Crying, Adolin begins to rush Szeth but the assassin points his [[Honorblade]] at Adolin and tells him it is finished and that he is done. Adolin moves to hit him but Szeth parries the blow, breaking Adolin’s wrist. He hits him in the chest, knocking the air from Adolin’s lungs, and says he can kill one more. Before Szeth can, however, Kaladin lands with Dalinar in his grasp, safe. {{book ref|wor|85}}
Kaladin chases after Szeth into the storm and Adolin, upon confirming Kaladin is one of the Knights Radiant, laughs and exclaims that he knew there was something wrong with the man. Dalinar sends Adolin to help organize the army’s move to Shallan’s plateau. When he gets to the plateau he meets up with Shallan and discovers she is a Radiant as well. They try using Adolin’s Shardblade to open the Oathgate but it doesn’t work and they instead use [[Pattern]] in his Shardblade form. They both use their weight to work the mechanism, pushing the blade around the circle until it stood above the picture of Urithiru. When Shallan removes Pattern from the slot the Oathgate activates. Once transported they discover the entire plateau was the portal. {{book ref|wor|86}}
Adolin takes charge of the expedition of Urithiru, creating maps of the city. {{book ref|wor|87}} Adolin and Shallan meet and Shallan says she will not let her status as a Radiant be awkward between them. They kiss and Adolin promises to stop being awkward if she stops being irresistible. When he leaves he informs her that Pattern has chosen her room and tells the guards that no one is to disturb her. {{book ref|wor|88}}
While exploring Adolin reflects on his relationship with Shallan and how it has changed with the revelation that she was a Radiant, which has shaken his sense of self. Getting too far ahead of the rest of his party Adolin investigates some voices he hears and stumbles across Sadeas with a scouting party of his own. Adolin remains hidden until the others have left and tries to sneak away but his boot scrapes and draws Sadeas's attention. As the two talk Sadeas reveals his plan to undermine Dalinar by saying the Kholins had contacted the Parshendi and the two had put on a convincing show. Sadeas doesn’t believe this but it is the lie he’ll tell others.
Adolin asks Sadeas why he is the way he is and Sadeas tells Adolin that an army cannot have two generals and it has to be him or Dalinar who goes. Adolin says it doesn’t have to be that way but Sadeas reiterates that it must and that he will take everything Dalinar has. Adolin finally snaps and attacks Sadeas. The two wrestle and Adolin manages to stab Sadeas through the eye and into his brain with a knife, killing him. Adolin ditches [[Oathbringer]], which materialized at Sadeas's death, out the window and into one of the planters. He cuts his bloody cuffs off and erases the chalk marks that indicated he had been in the vicinity. He returns to his scouting party and pretends he had been with them the whole time. {{book ref|wor|89}}
== Family ==
Adolin is the first son of [[Dalinar]],{{book ref|twok|12}} and his younger brother is [[Renarin]]. {{book ref|twok|18}} There is nearnext to nothing known about his [[Brightness Kholin|mother]]. [[Gavilar]] is his uncle, Dalinar's brother. [[Navani]], Gavilar's widow, is his aunt, and he calls her ''Mashala''.{{book ref|twok|60}} Gavilar's children, [[Jasnah]] and King [[Elhokar]], are his cousins.
== Relationships ==
Adolin is considered to be a notorious flirt by his family and those in the Warcampswarcamps, having courted many of the available women.
Adolin makes the mistake of scheduling a lunch appointment with [[Janala Lustow]] while he is courting [[Rilla]]. Due to the fallout neither woman is speaking to him presently. Two months prior to this he had been courting [[Deeli]] and there had been two women between Deeli and Rilla.{{book ref|twok|12}} After things go south with Janala he starts courting [[Malasha Seveks]] {{book ref|twok|18}} though while courting her he is already considering [[Danlan Morakotha]]{{book ref|twok|28}}. His relationship with Danlan seems to last the longest yet, his aunt Navani helping him with courting her {{book ref|twok|52}} but eventually things fall apart. He breaks off his relationship with Danlan rather than the other way around, citing that it was not his fault and indicates she had said some things to her friends that had turned him off from their courting.{{book ref|wor|14}}
Adolin's [[Calling]] is duelling and he frequently resorts to challenging other lighteyes to settle disputes. Since arriving at the [[Shattered Plains]] he has been unable to duel as much as he had previously due to his father's insistence that he follow the [[Alethi Codes of War]] which state that needless duels should be avoided during times of war so that commanding officers are not wounded.{{book ref|twok|18}} Once Dalinar becomes [[Highprince of War]] he uses Adolin and his duelling as a key part in his plan to discipline the Highprinces by taking away their Shards in duels. {{book ref|sa2|5}}
Adolin has a series of traditions he performs before any duel he fights. While in the preparation room, which is used primarily for meditation, he talks to his unnamed bladeBlade before continuing on to the staging room where his armourersarmorers help him into his Shardplate. [[Navani]] normally paints a glyphward for him though by his final duel he has movemoved to having [[Shallan]] paint them for him. Finally [[Renarin]] will check to make sure Adolin has eaten chicken at some point before the duel and that he has their mother’s chain on his person. {{book ref|sa2|14}} Navani passes these off as superstitions which Adolin denies. However before his final duel, when he forgot his mother’s chain, both he and Renarin appear visibly shaken. By the time his armourers have finished though he seems mostly recovered. {{book ref|sa2|56}}
Adolin has employed various Shardblade Stances in his duels, though he relies most heavily on [[Windstance]], and diverse tactics. In the duel against [[Resi]], which is disguised as a friendly match, Adolin implements the defensive and offensive forms of Windstance, his style described as dancing{{book ref|twok|58}}. Against [[Salinor Eved]] he switches to using [[Ironstance]] as well as employing elements of hand to hand combat for a rather brutal display, much to the ire of Highjudge [[Istow]]. {{book ref|sa2|14}} While fighting against [[Eranniv]], [[Torol Sadeas]] notes that Adolin is fighting far below his own capacity {{book ref|sa2|29}}, making it seem like a close fight. Against [[Elit Ruthar]] Adolin employs Windstance again, focusing on precision while implementing a tactic of exhausting Elit’s plate of stormlight until it can no longer move. {{book ref|sa2|53}}
*Adolin was originally named Aredor{{book ref|wok'|1}} in [[The Way of Kings Prime|''The Way of Kings'' Prime]].
*Originally Adolin, though Dalinar's heir, was not Dalinar's first son. His elder brother, Sheneres, had died while trying to protect the king.{{book ref|wok'|1}}
*Adolin did not originally have a view pointviewpoints in the original draft for The Way of Kings. This was changed when Brandon shifted Dalinar’s doubts about his own sanity to his son. “I brought out [Dalinar’s] son, who hero worships his father, who could then say ‘my father is going mad. I love this man I have to protect him. But he’s also going mad what do I do?’” The external conflict between the two of them ended up making both Adolin and Dalinar stronger characters.{{ref|name=we724}}
== Notes ==


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