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The '''Dakhor''' is a theorized magic system on [[Sel]], and has been theorized to be a gateway through [[Dominion]] to the [[Dor]], independent from [[AonDor]]. Its official name is not clear, but the known users of this system are the monks of [[Dakhor Monastery]] in [[Fjorden]], like [[Dilaf]].
The Dakhor monks themselves are a newer development than [[Elantrian]]s.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=63|link=annotation-elantris-chapter-63}} In fact, [[Wyrn]] was preparing to use them against Elantris before [[The Reod|the city fell on its own]].
Its exact mechanics are so far unclear, but will be explored more fully in the [[Elantris sequel]].{{qa ref|799|10|Speaking of sequels, here's what I'M planning|date=Oct, 2004}} As such, this article looks at the small clues related to this magic, and is incomplete until the sequel to ''[[Elantris]]''.
== Effects and Abilites ==
Regardless of how the Dakhor system is accessed, there appear to be some constant effects. The bones of the person accessing Dakhor begin to grow and twist.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} The shapes that they twist into are ancient Fjordell characters.{{book ref|Elantris|epilogue}} While they are abnormal, the Dakhor monks don't seem deformed or inhuman.{{annotation ref|Elantris|chapter=58-1|annotation-elantris-chapter-58-1}} Their bone growth is subtle enough that a robe can hide it.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} Even with the initially repulsive nature of the bone twists, they still have a beautiful shape.{{book ref|Elantris|epilogue}} Since the Investitures of Sel are all form based,{{book ref|aol|part=ars}} the shape of the bone twists is what determines what powers a user of Dakhor can access.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} The bone twists are also known to glow, specifically when teleportation{{book ref|Elantris|60}} or enhanced strength is being used.{{book ref|Elantris|61}}
The Dakhor magic system can grant several abilities that we've seen so far. The first is the extreme strength of anyone who uses Dakhor.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} The bones of the the Dakhor monks are almost indestructible too,{{book ref|Elantris|62}} although this may just be part of the increased strength they have. Those who use Dakhor can receive enhanced speed as well.{{book ref|Elantris|58}} Another more costly power is teleportation. In exchange for one man's death, large groups of people can be transported instantaneously somewhere.{{book ref|Elantris|60}} The body and spirit of the man who is sacrificed is used to power this ability. These four powers appear to be part of the standard ability set for monks of Dakhor monastery.
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